these questions appear in the e-mail boxes of our dietitians. Although we try to answer them as honestly and in detail as possible, we decided to create this article additionally – to extend the news. We hope that confirmation of certain issues with scientific research will make ‘commandments’ for people with elevated cholesterol will become more reliable.
Od it has long been known that cholesterol is not bad!
Jako the first studies on this issue were carried out in America in the 60-70s. They proved that the composition of the diet, especially the types of fat consumed, are changing blood cholesterol. It has also long been believed that the amount of cholesterol in the diet is linked to the amount in the blood. However, over time, it was discovered that it was consumption of saturated fatty acids (present in products of origin animals) increases the risk of hypercholesterolaemia (elevated levels) cholesterol in the blood). On the other hand, unsaturated fats – those present mainly in plant products – not so strongly, but still lower cholesterol blood. It has also been proven that omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect affect the lipid profile in the body: reduce the value of LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol. Such recommendations are present in science to this day and specialists stick to them.
Let’s get to know get closer to him
Co however, do these cholesterol names mean? Well, cholesterol is a substance of fatty origin found in all cells body. Contrary to appearances, cholesterol is necessary for the body in certain ways among other things, plays a role in the formation of vitamin D, acids bile, sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone). What Interestingly, only 30% of total cholesterol comes from the diet and as much as 70% from it values are associated with the formation of endogenous cholesterol, that is, synthesis cholesterol particles in the body. In fact, the body can produce itself the right amount of cholesterol for you needed for optimal functioning. It is therefore worth mentioning that people who are on a vegan diet (completely excluding animal products) need not worry for the delivery of cholesterol from the outside to the body.
Cholesterol divided into several factions, of which the most famous and occupying the largest part of total cholesterol is: HDL and LDL fractions. The former is known colloquially as “good cholesterol” because it is responsible for removing cholesterol from tissues in the body, cleaning the walls of the blood vessels of these harmful molecules and transport them to the liver for breakdown. On the other hand, LDL cholesterol is the “bad cholesterol” whose job it is transporting cholesterol particles from the liver to the remaining cells the body. When too much of it is deposited in the walls of the blood vessels, it can come to the so-called atherosclerotic plaques, from which it is only a step to the development of complete atherosclerosis and heart disease. In the study of the lipid profile, you can you can also often find the value of triglycerides – this one largely depends on diets. a diet high in simple carbohydrates (sweets) and alcohol causes growth the amount of triglycerides in the blood. And they are nothing but a kind of fat used on an ongoing basis by the body depending on the needs energy. Obviously, too high a triglyceride concentration is a danger for health and the circulatory system, it also increases the risk of obesity.
Yet Until a few years ago, great importance was attached to the amount of cholesterol in the diet. This value was associated with an increased amount of cholesterol in the blood. From Recently, however, we know that they are more important for health and the circulatory system the types of fatty acids consumed, not only (or mainly) food cholesterol.
No cholesterol and fats (animal)
The biggest the concentration of “bad cholesterol” is influenced, as already mentioned, by consumption saturated fatty acids. It is estimated that each additional 1% of energy derived from these types of fats can increase your cholesterol value total by 0,8-1,6 mg / dl! They also have a very similar effect on the lipid profile trans fats – their main sources are highly processed products such as like sweets, hard margarines, processed meats, instant meals and fast food and pastries. But where can you find the highest amounts of saturated fatty acids fatty? In fatty milk products – cream, fatty milk, cheeses, and also in offal, fatty pieces of meat and their preserves (bacon, pork neck, pork knuckle, sausages, sausages, lard), and also in butter. Trans fats do not so much increase LDL cholesterol as they affect lowering HDL cholesterol – it is also dangerous action in relation to the circulatory system! The most effective method of minimizing The risk of high cholesterol related diseases is dietary use trans fats at less than 1% of total daily energy (i.e. up to 2-3 grams of trans fat per day for a standard adult). Instead of the aforementioned products, it is better to choose unsaturated fatty acids, above all all present in plant products: vegetable oils, olive oil, avocado, nuts.
It turns out however, it is not just the very nature of fatty acids in your diet that has an effect on it minimizing the risk of hypercholesterolaemia. The weight reduction itself, v overweight or obesity, by 5-10% of the initial body weight, significantly this reduces the risk! The reduction in quantity is then noticeable particularly quickly blood triglycerides. Another important risk factor cardiovascular disease (including atherosclerosis) is cigarette smoking. We have I hope that none of the readers has a problem with this addiction, nevertheless, it is important to know that smoking cessation contributes to raising HDL cholesterol.
‘No’ For low-carb diets
Important carbohydrate intake, including fiber, is an issue. It is recommended that 45-55% Energy in the diet came from carbohydrates, including 25-40 grams of fiber. What choose carbohydrates to cover this demand? As the top-down guidelines say: “The consumption of vegetables, legumes, fruit, nuts and whole grain cereal products along with everything else products with high fiber content and / or low glycemic index. (…) “. The recommendations also take into account that: “There is no justification for eating very low carbohydrate diets ”- so diets protein-fat or reduced carbohydrate don’t have here usage.
Alcohol (not for everyone
Many people will ask: what about alcohol? If we are dealing with a variety hypercholesterolaemia without elevated triglycerides (as cholesterol and triglycerides do not always go together), there are even general recommendations not only they don’t ban alcohol, but even… recommend it in reasonable doses to improve lipid parameters! Small amounts of alcohol, especially wine they are associated with an increase in HDL cholesterol. Recommendations are the following: “Moderate alcohol consumption [up to 20 g / day (2 portions of alcohol) in men and 10 g / d. (1 serving of alcohol) in women] is allowed in people, who consume alcoholic beverages, provided that the concentration of triglycerides in plasma is not increased ”. However, it is worth emphasizing once again – in people already characterized by high triglyceride values, even as low amounts as recommended for the general population may be harmful.
Summation information is presented in the table below and a general list of recommendations. Their source is official European Society of Cardiology guidelines for treatment lipid disorders. It turns out that we do not need to be afraid of eggs and the presence in them cholesterol, you do not need to choose margarines more often than butter (because both products are not very good for the circulatory system), and for this you can turn to diet small amounts of sweeteners (preferably natural – xylitol, erythritol) – all these activities will contribute to the improvement of the lipid profile and / or reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Tab 1 .: Dietary recommendations to reduce cholesterol fraction low-density lipoprotein and improve the overall lipoprotein profile. Source: Guidelines ESC / EAS regarding the treatment of lipid disorders in 2016.
On the other hand, the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology that we would like to convey to all those struggling with elevated blood cholesterol are as follows:
1. Dietary recommendations should always be local habits, however, an interest in healthy choices should be promoted nutrition of other cultures,
2. Eat a variety of foods. Energy consumption should be adjusted to its spending in order to prevent overweight and obesity,
3. The consumption of fruits, vegetables and plants should be encouraged legumes, nuts, whole grains and fish (especially fatty foods),
4. Foods high in trans or saturated fats (hard margarines, tropical oils, fatty or processed meats, sweets, cream, butter, full-fat cheeses should be replaced with the recommended products mentioned above, as well as monounsaturated fats (olive oil from the first pressing) and polyunsaturated (non-tropical vegetable oils) for the purpose reduce the consumption of trans fat to
5. The consumption of table salt should be limited to
6. People who drink alcoholic beverages should be advised limiting their consumption (to
7. Consumption of beverages and products with added sugars, especially sweetened carbonated drinks should be limited, especially in overweight people, hypertriglyceridemia, metabolic syndrome or diabetes,
8. Physical activity should be encouraged, and the goal should be systematic physical effort for ≥ 30 minutes each day,
9. Avoid the use of tobacco products and exposure on there.
1. ESC / EAS treatment guidelines lipid disorders in 2016:… [dostęp dn. 26.12.2018r.]