Should I get married and how to get rid of my doubts?

Good day, dear guests. I want to talk to you about the wedding. Girls have been preparing for this event since childhood. They represent the solemn ceremony, dress, flowers and, of course, the groom. However, having matured, women understand that marriage is a responsible decision on which the whole future life depends. Many brides are overcome by fear and panic before marriage. A logical question arises: is it worth getting married if there is doubt? I must say right away that a girl who has a very serious experience in relations between a man and a woman helped me write the article.

Dear girls, today I will tell you about such things:

  • Why Do You Have Doubts About Marriage?
  • What are brides afraid of?
  • How to identify your soul mate

The information is useful for anyone who doubts and feels insecure about their soulmate.

Anxiety about the choice you have made is common. Every girl wants the best for herself in every way. This is natural and correct.

What to do? All doubts must be cast aside! And in what situations is it best to listen to the voice of the heart. We will talk about this further.

I also recommend that you read the blog article, where it is written how to defeat the worst enemy of success — doubt.

Causes of doubt

The madness and courage of the heroine of the film «Runaway Bride» can be envied. She discarded prejudices, did not give a damn about the opinions of others and did it her own way, escaping right from the crown. However, it’s easier said than done. A modern bride is unlikely to decide on such a rash act.

Should I get married and how to get rid of my doubts?

There are many reasons why the question arises as to whether to marry a person or not. Here are the most important ones:

  1. Uncertainty. The bride does not know what she herself wants from life, or is not sure of her partner’s love to the end.
  2. Pressure. It can come from the parents, the groom, or from the girl herself.
  3. Treason. If a man cheated before the wedding, doubts are quite justified. In this case, it is better to refuse marriage.
  4. Intuition. The sixth sense rarely fails. It’s worth listening to him.
  5. Load of household questions. If the problem of housing, finances, etc. hangs over the couple, this prevents them from enjoying the holiday.

Before the wedding, a woman should not have any doubts. Confidence in choosing a partner is the key to a happy marriage and marriage for many years to come.

Fears of potential wives

Should I get married and how to get rid of my doubts?

Many representatives of the weaker sex are worried that after marriage, relations with her husband will become insipid and less romantic. If there is such a fear, you need to drive it away. Since love is alive, passion and romance will reign between the spouses.

Sometimes a girl is afraid to part with her freedom. However, marriage does not at all imply the abandonment of girlfriends, hobbies and self-development. Moreover, in the last two things, from now on, it will be possible to find the support of a spouse.

Fear of disappointment is the most stupid, but sometimes the most important source of doubt. How to get rid of the feeling that a partner can betray, offend or leave for another?

This question worries most brides. You need to get rid of such thoughts, because your self-doubt says so. Think positively and fears will dissolve on their own.

How to recognize a kindred spirit?

Should I get married and how to get rid of my doubts?

In love, it is important to feel consonance in thoughts. To do this, it is not at all necessary to be similar and have the same interests. It shows up in the little things. For example, you like the same color of chairs in the living room, or you literally foresee each other’s phrases from a half-word.

With a kindred soul is always safe and warm. Wherever you are and what circumstances would not overshadow the day, you feel confident next to this person. He will protect, help with deed and advice.

Psychologists give interesting advice. You need to compare photos that were taken before the relationship with the selected person with previous gentlemen. If in the photo with him you look better and glow with happiness, then you can rest assured that this is your soul mate.


I hope that my thoughts and beliefs were useful to you and helped you finally decide.

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