Should I change my last name when getting married?

Until recently, the overwhelming majority of women answered this question “yes”, believing that it could not be otherwise. But these days, traditions are being questioned. The more independent and successful women become, the more often they do not want to give up their last name. And what do you think about it? Write your stories in the comments.

Harry Matushevich-Milne, 34, Bristol:

“I don’t understand why men don’t change their names more often”

My wife is Polish, and even in Poland her surname is not very common. Her father, who died a year after we were married, was very interested in the history of the family. It was very important to him that their last name not be lost, and I was impressed. Therefore, after the wedding, I took a double surname.

I have never liked many of the traditions associated with the wedding. For example, did not make an offer. We just sat down and discussed whether we should get married, and it turned out that we both want it. I not only saw her wedding dress in advance – I helped choose it. In the same way, she knew what I would wear to the wedding, although some of our relatives were shocked by this. But I wouldn’t want to show up to a wedding in a suit that the bride doesn’t like.

The future mother-in-law was my namesake, and if I also took my husband’s surname, the confusion would be even greater

I didn’t want my wife to give up her identity in favor of mine. And besides, the change of surname is associated with such paperwork. It wouldn’t be fair if only the wife had to deal with all this. Maybe there is an element of vanity in my decision. It’s so cool to have a double last name. The telephone directory for Aberdeen, where I come from, lists more than eight pages for the Milnes. Why shouldn’t I stand out among them?

Janet Gilbert, 57, Australia:

“Some were outraged that I left my last name”

I studied in Australia, Germany and Holland, and came to London to work on my dissertation. I was focused on scientific work, started writing for academic journals, my name was becoming known in my circles. Then I fell terribly in love with a fellow student, and we decided to get married. But I didn’t even think about changing my last name: I wore it for 28 years, and it was an integral part of my personality.

The matter was complicated by the fact that the future mother-in-law was my namesake, I was already called “Janet number two” or “younger Janet”. And if I had taken my husband’s surname, the confusion would have been even greater. Nevertheless, some of my relatives did not like that I remained under my last name. But I did not understand why to change it, and now, after 29 years of marriage, I remain of my opinion. I have five children, and they all bear the husband’s last name, and mine is listed as a middle name.

Joanne Phillips, 46, Shropshire:

“I feel a little guilty before my father that I can’t pass on his last name”

I got married quite late. For 36 years, I had my maiden name and doubted whether it was worth changing it. As a feminist, this transformation from Miss to Mrs disgusted me – the man, as he was, and remains Mr. all his life! But then I felt that it was worth doing this: after all, changing the name of a woman in marriage symbolizes devotion. In addition, I reasoned that anyway my identity in connection with marriage would have to change, I would have to say goodbye to my old self, well, then the surnames at the same time.

If I changed my last name, it would be like I had to start from scratch.

Now, 10 years later, I think it was better to take a double surname or leave my own altogether. I have never been able to fully experience myself as a different person – I do not fully know who this Mrs. Phillips is? However, when you start using a new name in the profession, it becomes part of you. But just a part. I am outraged that the burden of changing identity is placed only on a woman. And at the same time, as a mother, I agree that it is much more convenient when all family members have the same last name. But how strong is this argument? I do not know.

Schradha Cole, 27, London:

“Contrary to Indian tradition, I kept my maiden name”

I am an Indian from London and for two years I have been married to a man with whom I have been in love since childhood. I left my last name, breaking our tradition, for two reasons. First, because of work. I am a public relations specialist, and before that I was a journalist. If I changed my last name, I would have to sort of start from scratch. My name appears in many documents, I have accounts in different social networks – it would be difficult to change all this. My husband and his family supported my decision.

I don’t understand why we should act a certain way just because those who came before us did it. On the contrary, we must develop new ideas and support change. In general, the world has changed a lot. In India, for example, many traditions, such as arranged marriage between parents, are being phased out. Being close to your partner in sorrow and joy is what it means to be committed. Not a name change.

So should you change your last name when you get married?


Irina Bezrukova, actress

I understood that this was important and pleasant for my man. I loved, I was going to build a family, give birth to children, ideally live “in trouble and joy” all my life with one man, and be FOR my husband. She took the surname of Sergei Bezrukov by mutual agreement, and it was not some kind of difficult decision. Now I have remained Bezrukova, since everyone already knows me exactly as Irina Bezrukova, and I don’t want to confuse people in the same film industry or, for example, disappear, as happened with other actresses who decided after numerous bright roles in the cinema to suddenly change their surname. And besides, people have already begun to get used to the fact that Sergei and I now have completely polar stories.


Marina Travkova, family psychotherapist

This tradition is rather a relic of a patriarchal society. The ancient and first meaning of this event has always been that the woman as an object passes to her husband. But we don’t want to be objects, and we don’t have to. If a man requires a woman to take his last name, if it is fundamentally important to him, as a rule, he needs it as some kind of status confirmation: you are mine. Apparently, this means that a person is a prisoner of stereotypes. Today, fortunately, such requirements are less and less common. It happens that a man changes his last name or both spouses take a double one: in order to preserve the memory of their own families. If the motives for changing the surname are not related to the assertion of the power of one partner over the other, if they agree on this, this is a normal trend.

What do you think about this? Should I change my last name? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

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