Shortness of breath during pregnancy
Shortness of breath that occurs during pregnancy gives the expectant mother a lot of unpleasant sensations. It becomes impossible even to just climb the stairs without experiencing discomfort. Over the course of nine months, shortness of breath can occur for a variety of reasons.
Why does shortness of breath occur during pregnancy?
The inability to breathe deeply, heavy breathing, rapid heartbeat are sure signs of shortness of breath.
Shortness of breath during pregnancy causes a feeling of a lump in the throat
It can occur not only in the third trimester of pregnancy, but also at the very beginning.
Causes of shortness of breath in the early stages:
- excessive physical activity;
- sharp hormonal changes;
- asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system;
- Iron-deficiency anemia;
- wearing too tight clothes.
In the first trimester, the body rapidly adjusts to its new position. The hormonal background changes, the volume of circulating blood increases. All these factors can cause shortness of breath, especially if a woman has not yet got rid of her bad habits, such as smoking.
In the second trimester, the body has already been rebuilt, and the fetus is located in the abdomen rather compactly, inside it is quite spacious. During this period, pregnant women feel best.
But in the third trimester, shortness of breath again makes itself felt for the following reasons:
- The child’s weight grows, the load on the body increases;
- The uterus stretches and rises into the abdominal cavity, squeezes the internal organs and supports the diaphragm.
Much depends on the level of physical fitness of the woman. If before pregnancy she went in for sports, led an active lifestyle, it will be easier for her to get used to the changes in her body.
When labor approaches, shortness of breath disappears. This is due to the fact that before childbirth, the baby’s head is lowered into the pelvis. The entire abdomen shifts a little downward, which removes the pressure on the diaphragm. The woman can breathe in deeply again.
How to reduce shortness of breath during pregnancy?
Shortness of breath during pregnancy will be less pronounced if you follow simple rules:
- monitor weight, try not to gain it in excess of the norm;
- be in the fresh air regularly;
- wear loose clothing that does not constrict the stomach and does not restrict movement;
- eat well, eat lean meats, fruits and vegetables, and maintain normal hemoglobin levels.
Also, after consulting a doctor, you can do gymnastics for pregnant women, master special breathing techniques. This will make the body more resilient and beneficial.