Zuzka light (Zuzka Light, Zuzana Light) is a series of short fat-burning workouts for the entire body. Zuzanna, the Creator of this famous course, knows how to lead your body into amazing shape. Follow her energetic and you will lose weight, even without spending a lot of time on the home fitness.
A description of training from Suski
“Zuzka light” is a short class time (10-20 minutes) but very intense in content. Based on Zuzanna takes such exercises as squats, pushups, lunges, and through various complex modifications, creates a really energetic session. And toned shape coach only adds motivation. New videoframerate from Suski go on a regular basis that helps to avoid monotony in the classroom.
The structure of all training assumes that for a certain amount of time you perform a certain number of exercises. The coach does not spare even himself, to the end of the program she can hardly breathe. This is a good incentive to give it 100%. There are different types of programs: for beginners and for advanced. There is a purely aerobic sessions, is weights. There is a separate press and for the whole body. Zuzanna has released several videos and power yoga. In General, programs for every taste.
At the moment, there was a lot of videotronic “Zuzka light”, so you can make an individual training plan depending on your preferences and level of readiness. Because video is quite short train to the max and don’t forget to practice regularly. Programs are based on exercises with the own weight, so for most classes you do not need any additional equipment. But for the individual videos will need a kettlebell, dumbbell, jump rope or an exercise ball.
Tips from the coach program — Suzanne
1. Zuzanna advises to run the program “Zuzka light”, following one of two principles:
- If you don’t complete the required number of repetitions of the exercises over time, you stop the video and finish to the desired number of repetitions. In this case, your goal is each time to do normal in less amount of time.
- Second option: you perform as many repetitions of exercises for a set time as you can, ie without stopping the video. In this case, your goal is each time to increase the number of repetitions within a set time.
2. For beginners, the coach advises to use the second option approach to training. And this is reasonable: when you have not had time to get used to the loads, you will be very important to know exactly how much time is left to do. Later, when you get used to intensive fitness, it will be possible to use the first option.
3. Zuzanna advises to practice a minimum of 5-6 times a week to achieve good results. At the very least through the day. In the fitness classes, the most important aspect is regularity, so don’t make breaks between workouts more than two days. Sport should be your habit.
4. The most important exercise on which to base its program are squats, lunges, push-UPS and the push-up position (plank). If you master these exercises, and more complex modifications will be difficult for you.
5. It is very important do warm-up exercises before class and stretching afterwards. Never neglect the hitch and workout!
Quality stretching after a workout with Kate Friedrich
6. Record your results after each exercise: number of repetitions or the number of minutes spent on it. And try every time to improve your last result. Thus, you do not allow yourself to stagnate at the same level.
The pros and cons of “Zuzka light”
- Training lasts only 15-20 minutes a day, and load quite compares with hour lessons.
- With such programs as “Zuzka light” is very easy to track your progress. For example, yesterday you could only do 20 sit-UPS, and today 25. You clearly see your progress.
- The coach has a very toned athletic body that will have great to motivate on a daily exploits.
- Workouts are built on the principle of high intensity interval training, and it is known to be the most effective method for weight loss.
- “Zuzka light” has a great selection of programs: for beginners to advanced, cardio, strength, TABATA, power yoga. There is a workout without extra equipment, and using kettlebells, dumbbells, skipping ropes, exercise ball.
- Classes with Zuzka give a great load on the whole body. But there is also a separate workout, focusing on press or buttocks.
- With Zuzka Light, you will learn how to efficiently do push-UPS, squat, do lunges and do the exercises from the plank position. This is fundamental exercises, which are found in almost every health rate of other coaches.
- You will need to organize the videos to make an individual fitness plan
- Training, though short, but beginners need to be careful with loads. Do not chase the speed and watch carefully for technique.
- Zuzanna itself shows all the exercises, without help, which is not very clear.
- The program is not for people with weak health.
If you want to improve your body and improve physical endurance, not willing to spend a lot of time training, then classes “Zuzka light” will be for you perfect solution. By the way, on her official website you can subscribe to new videothreesome with a monthly subscription cost of$10.
- The link to the official youtube channel: here.
- Find examples of videothreesome with Zuzka on the site Zuzka Light.
See also: Complex Beginner from Suski light for primary and secondary levels.