short biography of the poet, personal life

short biography of the poet, personal life

😉 Greetings, dear readers! Thank you for choosing the article “Vladimir Mayakovsky: A Brief Biography” on this site! Here, briefly about the main stages in the life of one of the greatest poets of the XNUMXth century.

Childhood and adolescence of Mayakovsky

Vladimir was born in the village of Bagdati in the Kutaisi province on July 19, 1893 in the family of the forester Vladimir Konstantinovich Mayakovsky and his wife, the Kuban Cossack Alexandra Alekseevna Pavlenko.

In 1902 Volodya entered the Kutaisi gymnasium. At the end of the winter of 1906, his father died of blood poisoning. He was sewing together papers and pricking his finger. A 13-year-old teenager survived this and suffered from bacteriophobia for the rest of his life.

Six months later, the family moved to Moscow, where Vladimir entered the gymnasium. The widow has three children in her arms, and when she could not find the funds to pay for her studies in 1908, the teenager was expelled. Interesting facts about Mayakovsky:

  • at the age of 15, the young man is fond of Marxism and joins the RSDLP, but in 1910 he leaves the party;
  • 1908-1909 – he was arrested three times, but released as a minor;
  • in 1909, while in a prison cell, he wrote poetry for the first time;
  • 1911 – decides to take up painting and he enters an art school. Soon he meets D. Burliuk, a circle of poets enters and joins the Cubo-Futurists.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

In the summer of 1915, Mayakovsky meets the Brik family at a dacha in Malakhovka. The family was far from literature and went into business selling corals. The poet read to them the recently written poem “A Cloud in Pants” and dedicated it to Leela.

Subsequently, he will call this day the most “joyful”. Osip Brik published a small edition of the poem in a few months. Since then, Mayakovsky practically did not leave this family, being carried away by Lily, who soon organized a bohemian salon in her apartment.

short biography of the poet, personal life

Osip, Lilya and Vladimir

In 1922-1924. the poet visited a number of European countries. And in 1925 he went overseas, where he visited the USA, Cuba and Mexico.

Many questions arise about why Osip turned a blind eye to his wife’s betrayal. And one of the reasons lies in the fact that after the revolution and until the end of his life, the poet provided the Brik family financially and had the opportunity, when traveling to European countries, to take them with him. For example, in 1923 the three of them spent almost the entire summer in Germany.

Mayakovsky: personal life

Although the poet was in love with Lilya Brik, his love of love was boundless. There is incontrovertible evidence that he was the father of the sculptor Gleb-Nikita Lavinsky. He met Elizaveta Lavinskaya in 1920, when they worked together in the ROSTA Windows.

In 1926 in New York, an emigrant from Russia Elizabeth Siebert gave birth to a daughter, Helen-Patricia from Mayakovsky. The father saw his daughter only once in Nice in 1928. The girl was officially adopted and became Elena Vladimirovna Mayakovskaya.

Vladimir Vladimirovich had other women, including Sophia Shamardina and Natalya Bryukhanenko.

In Paris, Mayakovsky met Tatyana Yakovleva. Together they chose a present for Lily – a Renault car. Brick became the second woman in Moscow who had her own car.

Returning to Moscow, the poet tried to persuade Tatyana to return to Russia, but she refused. In 1929, the poet wanted to go to France and try to persuade her again, but he was not given a visa.

short biography of the poet, personal life

From left to right: L. Brick, E. Lavinskaya, E. Siebert, T. Yakovleva, V. Polonskaya

The last hobby of the 36-year-old poet was the 21-year-old Moscow Art Theater actress Veronika Polonskaya, who was the wife of actor Mikhail Yanshin. But, knowing about the nature of Mayakovsky, she did not dare to divorce.

In 1930, the poet was ill a lot. In addition, officials did not attend his exhibition. The performances “Bath” and “Bedbug” took place with failure. He was denied a visa and was unable to join the Bricks on their way to Europe on vacation. The poet’s psyche was unstable.

On April 14, 1930, Mayakovsky stopped by Polonskaya at 8.00:10.30 and brought her to his room on the Lubyanka. She warned him that she had a rehearsal at XNUMX, she was afraid to be late. He demanded from Veronica that she quit. As she approached the front door, a shot rang out.

For three days an endless stream of people went to the House of Writers to say goodbye to the poet.

short biography of the poet, personal life

Mayakovsky’s daughter – Patricia Thompson (Elena Vladimirovna Mayakovskaya) – American philosopher and writer. Lived: 1926-2016.


To help students, additional information to the article “Vladimir Mayakovsky: A Brief Biography” in this video.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky | Russian Literature Grade 9 # 41 | Info lesson

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