Shoes break bones

When you buy your shoes, you need to remember that poorly chosen shoes can deform your feet. Then you will be doomed only to orthopedic shoes, you simply will not wear another one, and a deformed foot will never look elegant.

Undoubtedly, a woman’s leg looks nicer in a high-heeled shoe. However, orthopedists advise not to wear them every day. Unfortunately, it is high heels and narrow toes that are responsible for the so-called bunions, i.e. curvature of the largest toe towards the others.

A dangerous slipper

About 25% of the population suffer from a hallux valgus deformity. 1% of people inherit this deformity from their parents. Others fund it themselves as a result of wearing the wrong footwear. The biggest sin – according to orthopedists – is wearing too tight shoes that compress the forefoot and toes. A few hours a day is enough for our foot to twist.

Fight with the bunion

Gymnastics is helpful in the fight against bunions. You can ask your doctor for a referral to physical therapy. If we add wearing a specially selected shoe insert, we can restore the correct positioning of the foot. The insert must be made to measure. A special device resembling a glass stool is used for this. The patient climbs onto it, stands on the pane with a mirror placed underneath it. The doctor can carefully inspect the sole of the foot in it. Thanks to this, it adjusts the appropriate insole.

A sharp cut

It happens, however, that these activities do not help, and the bunions hurt. Then we start to think about a more radical solution to the problem. Orthopedists emphasize that the operation is necessary when the patient is dissatisfied with the shape of her foot and cannot get rid of the pain using the usual methods. Surgery for bunions is a one-day surgery. It can be done under the National Health Fund insurance, but the lines are long and you have to wait up to two years. In private clinics, you will pay about PLN 3500 for the operation of one big toe.

Breaking bones

Most of the surgical treatment of bunions involves breaking the bones of the joint and repositioning them to reduce deformation. Screws are also often inserted into the bone. Another way is to use wires to straighten the finger, after which they are pulled out. The choice of treatment method should be discussed with your doctor. The disadvantage of the surgery is that the foot regains its full function after 6-8 weeks. Only then can you start wearing light heels. The pins are put on two months after the surgery. Orthopedists emphasize, however, that even the best surgery will not help if we return to bad habits.

Pin in a purse

An elegant woman should carry two pairs of shoes. One comfortable for walking on the street and elegant high heels that she wears when she comes to work. Outdoor walking shoes must have a slightly thicker rubber sole that provides shock absorption when walking. A thin sole does not work “in the field”. According to orthopedists, it is suitable for walking on a carpet or carpet. Doctors also warn that even the most elegant high heels cannot have too narrow toes.

Seasonal changes

The change of seasons is a big challenge for our foot. Adapting to walking in boots, clogs or flip-flops is not easy, because muscles that were not working before are forced to strenuous effort. This can lead to leg pain or muscle cramps. How to deal with it? Orthopedists suggest – exercise your feet all year round.

Foot gymnastics

Doctors recommend that every evening, e.g. when watching a movie, fold a towel lying on the floor with your toes or pick up the pen alternately with the left and right feet. In the mornings, bustling around the house, it is a good idea to walk a little on the toes and edges of the outer feet before going to work.

Text: Maria Janiszewska

Read also: Rescue ladies in high heels

Find out more: Surgery for hallux – is this drastic measure really necessary?

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