Shit in the Burundi refugee camp

Cholera has already killed at least 33 people in a Burundi refugee camp in northwestern Tanzania, local health officials said. Many refugees also suffer from diarrhea.

There are already tens of thousands of Burundi refugees in the camp in the fishing village of Kagunga on Lake Tanganyika. Recently, according to data from the World Health Organization, there were between 500 and 2 of them a day.

Burundi has been plunged into a serious political crisis for a month now. The crisis began at the end of April with social protests, brutally suppressed by law enforcement forces, after the decision of the president who, contrary to the constitution, decided to run for this office for the third time. Fearing acts of violence, many Burundians fled to neighboring Tanzania.

In the middle of last week, a group of military officers leading the coup was smashed. After the defeat of the coup, participants of the anti-presidential protests returned to the streets.

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