
Exotic shirataki noodles appeared in our stores quite recently, although this product has been known in the East, as some researchers believe, for almost two thousand years. This noodle bears little resemblance to its European relative, but (forgive the fans of Italian spaghetti) this is all its charm and useful properties.

What are shirataki

Shirataki, or Japanese noodles, is a popular staple in oriental cuisine. It is a long and thin translucent white noodles, tasteless and odorless. Unlike traditional noodles, Japanese noodles are made not from wheat flour, but from the root of the konjac plant, also known as konjac.

Konnyaku is a heat-loving culture, distributed mainly in Japan, China and Southeast Asia. Usually grows in the mountains. Due to its unusual appearance, this plant has received other popular names. The local population calls amorphophallus cognac the devil’s tongue or snake palm. The root of this plant, which is actually used for shirataki, resembles a large beetroot in its shape (it can grow up to 4 kg). It can be consumed both raw and processed. Usually, young tubers are dried, ground into flour, from which shirataki is then prepared. Snake palm roots are composed almost entirely of poorly digestible fibers. For this reason, Japanese noodles have gained incredible popularity among people who follow their figure.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

In Asian countries, shirataki is one of the national dishes and is almost as popular as rice. If someone tried to pick up another name for Japanese noodles, more familiar to the European ear, then it would probably not be better than a literal translation of the original name. “White Waterfall” – this is how the Japanese word “shirataki” is translated. The product really looks like the falling waves of a waterfall. White, translucent thin pasta, almost tasteless, but have a characteristic smell. This is due to the fact that shirataki contains only two components: konnyaku root and water. Some manufacturers also add salt. The resulting mixture is boiled and then poured into noodle or rice molds.

Shirataki contains a lot of water – almost 97% of the total composition, and only 3% of fiber.

It is the lowest calorie noodle in the world. It seems that only water contains fewer calories. There are only 100 kcal in 9 g of noodles. This is almost 12 times less than in a green apple, and, dare we remind you, it is considered very low-calorie. But in fairness, it must be said that not only calories are absent in Japanese noodles. It also does not contain vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins (well, except to add them during the cooking process), but there is a huge amount of fiber and some carbohydrates. But don’t be afraid. Shirataki contains only 2,3 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product, which will not affect the figure at all.

Separately, it must be said about the features of fiber obtained from snake palm. It is an insoluble substance that, when it enters the intestines, swells, creating a feeling of fullness in the stomach. But besides this, while konjac fiber remains in the human body, it absorbs toxins, excess cholesterol and glucose, and then is completely eliminated.

Benefits of Shirataki

On the Internet, you can often read that shirataki is a very useful product. They say that he:

  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the body;
  • improves digestion;
  • reduces the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream;
  • affects intestinal motility.

Is this really the case or is it just a trick of the advertisers? To understand why Japanese noodles are useful, you first need to take a closer look at them. Apart from a special type of fiber, there is nothing else in shirataki. But it is fiber that provides the main benefits of this product. Although the average serving of Japanese noodles contains no more than 3 g of fiber, this is enough for the body to feel its advantages.

Dietary fiber derived from konjac tubers helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar. And this means that Japanese noodles are not only allowed, but also useful for people with diabetes and some cardiovascular diseases. Snake palm noodles, rich in dietary fiber, are an excellent remedy for improving intestinal motility. For this reason, shirataki is useful for people with constipation, hemorrhoids, or diverticulitis. Speaking of intestines. Researchers have proven that this product of Japanese cuisine, or rather the fiber in its composition, has the properties of a prebiotic. In other words, it contributes to the formation of the correct microflora in the intestine and prevents dysbacteriosis.

Do not forget that Japanese noodles do not contain wheat flour, which means that they do not contain gluten (gluten), which can cause allergies in some people. Thus, shirataki can be a real salvation for people with celiac disease.

How to lose weight with noodles

If we are talking about ordinary noodles, then no way. But if the traditional product is replaced with super-diet Japanese noodles, then it is very possible. Some on the noodle diet will not even have to drastically revise their diet. In order to start the process of weight loss, it is enough to replace ordinary pasta or potatoes with shirataki.

The most famous weight loss program in which shirataki is held in high esteem is the Dukan Diet. People who observe it, shirataki can be consumed in unlimited quantities. By the way, more than 200 tons of these “pasta” are eaten annually in Japan and, it should be recalled, you rarely see overweight people in this country.

As already mentioned, Japanese noodles contain almost no calories, carbohydrates, fat, sugar, protein, or gluten. And those carbohydrates that are in the product are digested very slowly in the small intestine. But the most important thing for weight loss is that shirataki contains a special type of fiber known as glucomannan. When this substance combines with water, it swells very strongly, increasing to almost 17 times its original volume. In the human body, everything happens in much the same way, and after eating Japanese noodles, a gel-like mass is formed in the stomach, which maintains saturation for a very long time. In addition, dietary fiber slows down the body’s production of ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone. And by comparing these data, it becomes clear: on the Japanese “pasta” you can really lose weight very effectively.

Harm and side effects of Japanese noodles

For some people, overindulgence in Japanese noodles can cause diarrhea or bloating. However, shirataki is considered safe to consume in almost any serving. But as with any type of fiber, glucomannan must be introduced into your diet gradually, starting with small portions.

Shirataki should not be overly carried away by people who are underweight, during intense physical exertion or after serious illnesses. In these cases, Japanese noodles are not able to give the body the nutrients it needs most. Therefore, it is better to replace shirataki with other products with a richer chemical composition.

People taking medication should be aware that glucomannan impairs the body’s absorption of certain medications, including diabetes medications. For this reason, all drugs are best taken one hour before shirataki or 4 hours after.

How to cook and serve

Many may not like the specific smell of shirataki. You can get rid of the characteristic aroma if the noodles are poured with cold water for a while or at least rinsed in it. But this is not the only way to “purify”. You can get rid of the smell if you boil the product for 2-3 minutes in salted water. By the way, after this, the noodles will become a little softer and more elastic. You can also give the product elasticity in another way: fry the washed noodles for several minutes in a heated frying pan without fat.

Many stores sell not only dry shirataki. It is not uncommon to see noodles in a marinade. To prepare such a product, the marinade should be drained, the noodles should be washed under running water and then boiled or steamed with boiling water.

By itself, shirataki is practically tasteless, but this is its charm. This product easily absorbs the smell of spices and other ingredients of the dish. Due to its neutral taste, Japanese noodles go well with a variety of foods. It can serve as the basis of soups and second courses, be part of cold appetizers and various salads.

A typical Japanese-style vegetarian lunch is a plate of shirataki with seafood tofu and vegetables. Many people add konnyaku noodles to miso soup or serve as a side dish with beef, fish, or chicken. Shirataki pairs well with vegetables, especially broccoli or cauliflower. But it would be wrong to say that shirataki can be the basis of exclusively oriental recipes. Many use these calorie-free noodles as a dietary replacement for Italian spaghetti. Some gourmets prefer to cook shirataki with cream or sour cream, adding a little bell pepper, carrots, herbs and spices to the noodles. To improve the taste of the product, you can always add garlic, ginger, soy sauce, paprika, curry, olive or sesame oil, sesame seeds to it.

It is good to add oregano or coriander to Japanese noodle dishes.

But so that dishes from shirataki do not bring harm, one must remember the rules for storing Japanese noodles. The product in hermetic packages can be stored at room temperature for several months. The contents of the opened package should be eaten immediately, and kept in the refrigerator for no longer than 1-2 days.

Shirataki with cheese

You will need:

  • 1 package shirataki;
  • olive oil (for greasing the mold);
  • 100 g cheddar cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • 0,5 teaspoon of sea salt.

Heat the oven to 175 degrees. Meanwhile, rinse the noodles under running water (at least 2 minutes), then fry in a dry frying pan for 5-10 minutes (stirring constantly). Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Put a piece of butter on the bottom of the mold and lay out the noodles mixed with salt and cheese (you can add your favorite spices). Bake for 20 minutes.

Shirataki is a good alternative to traditional noodles. This unusual dish will not only bring oriental exoticism to your traditional diet, but at the same time protect against excess weight, high cholesterol, intestinal disorders and diabetes. And although this product contains almost no nutrients, Japanese noodles can still benefit the body.

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