Ships and ducks

By medical ships or ducks is meant a special tank for receiving feces from bedridden patients. During use, the duck is placed under the hip area of ​​the patient. It can be made of rubber, plastic, metal. A separate reservoir is a urinal for men for taking urine.

With ruthless diseases that put people to bed for a long time, timely and high-quality care for them is almost 50% of effective treatment. If a person is at least partially able to move, there are enough methods to help him go to the toilet, but for the immobilized categories of patients, apart from the vessel, nothing else has been invented. When choosing a duck in each case, it is necessary to take into account the age and gender of the patient, as well as the shape and material from which the duck is made.

Varieties of the vessel

Vessels of a certain shape are made depending on the anatomical features of the patient’s body. The quality criteria of such reservoirs are the ability to repeatedly disinfect the container, convenience for a person, non-traumatic device for the patient.

Most often, ships and ducks are made of metal – enameled steel or stainless steel, plastic – polypropylene, rubber used for inflatable devices for bedridden patients, faience.

The shape of the vessel is boat-shaped (the most comfortable of all), ensuring hygiene of emptying procedures without affecting linen and bedding, round, deep and shallow. If the patient needs enemas, it is better to choose anatomic vessels and large capacity ducks.

Features of stainless steel boats

Ducks and stainless steel vessels are more often used when there is no need to constantly keep such tanks under sick people, that is, they are able to ask for them if necessary. Stainless steel ducks are durable, highly hygienic, since they are easy to wash and disinfect, they are resistant to various chemical detergents, for the most part, they are roomy, comfortable in shape due to the presence of side boards and handles, and look aesthetically pleasing.

The disadvantages of stainless steel wefts are too hard edges of the products, which are not suitable for all categories of patients for this reason (for example, they are not suitable for those who have bedsores), as well as the inability to analyze the color of feces by medical personnel, which is often necessary for treatment.

Features of a vessel made of plastic or plastic

The advantages for choosing plastic vessels are:

  • production from medical propylene, which adapts to body and air temperatures, which means it is always comfortable to use;
  • the low weight of such ducks and their shape, which simplifies the use of containers;
  • design features – the part of the duck, located under the sacrum of the patient, is lower in level, which makes the use of this duck very comfortable even for completely immobilized patients.

Plastic is inert to various detergents with chemical components, which allows you to operate and wash the vessel countless times. With hygienic cleaning, the plastic vessel is easily cleaned, including odors, and besides, they often have a scale for measuring the number of bowel movements, which greatly helps medical personnel to draw appropriate conclusions about the patient’s condition. It is important to know and keep in mind when choosing that it is plastic boats that are usually equipped with convenient covers.

The main disadvantage of such ducks is their small volume, which does not allow them to be used in cases where patients need enemas. Some types of plastic vessels may be too dark in color, which can sometimes prevent medical personnel from seeing the color of the patient’s stool, which can characterize his condition.

Installation procedure

The main thing to pay attention to when serving a duck is how comfortable this process is for the patient. Talcum powder, hygiene products, waterproof oilcloth for the substrate, clean water for rinsing and the ship itself are prepared before the ship is directly supplied.

The person serving the patient washes his hands and puts on medical latex gloves, puts an oilcloth or diaper under the patient’s pelvis, slightly warms the vessel with warm water poured into it, drains the water and treats the edges of the duck with talcum powder so that they do not rub the patient’s skin. However, it is important to know that in the presence of bedsores, talc cannot be used. The patient is undressed from below, a ship is placed at the base of the legs with a wide part towards him and systematically moved to the desired level under the person. The buttocks should lie on the sides of the duck, this is important. After the end of the procedures, the hygiene of both the patient and the vessel itself is carried out.

The functions of the excretory system in the human body cannot be overestimated. With well-established excretory work, the patient recovers faster. To ensure this process, it is necessary to select a high-quality medical vessel that will help the patient not feel helpless in the most difficult moments. Care and supervision of the patient play a significant role in the entire process of treatment and accelerate the recovery of a person. The choice of material and shape of the duck should be based on how severe the condition of the patient is, whether he can move independently, whether he needs cleansing procedures on a regular basis. If all of the above factors are taken into account, then the process of emptying the patient will be painless both physically and psychologically.

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