Shipping diagnostic tests – when should you decide on them?

Controlling our health and early detection of various diseases is crucial for the prevention of many serious diseases. Access to medical care for many people can be difficult due to a lack of time and a lack of convenient times. Therefore, many private medical institutions and laboratories have created an offer of mail-order testing. Check when it is worth choosing!

Shipping diagnostic tests – pregnancy diagnosis

Pregnancy tests are a great tool for women who want to check if they are pregnant quickly and easily. Many companies offer home tests that can be easily ordered and performed at home. They can be divided into two categories:

  1. platelet testing – you need a urine sample collected in a clean and dry container. Then, using a pipette, carefully put a few drops of urine on the test plate and wait about 5 minutes for the result to appear. Compare the result with the information on the package. It is, for example, the super sensitive PINK pregnancy plate test from Domowe Laboratorium, which can be ordered online at;
  2. stream tests – to perform the test, insert the test strip at the end of the test into the urine stream and wait about 5 minutes for the appearance of dashes in the result field. Then compare it with the instructions in the package. You can order a super sensitive streaming pregnancy test from Domowe Laboratorium at

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Shipping diagnostic tests – diagnosis of food allergies

Shipping diagnostic tests are a very convenient form diagnosis of food allergies without leaving home. The symptoms of food allergies can be very distressing, so prompt diagnosis can significantly improve a person’s quality of life. These tests are available from the Al-Med laboratory. After receiving the result, it is possible to eliminate harmful products and implement appropriate desensitisation treatment.

Diagnostic shipping tests for food allergies, must be ordered at After two days, we will receive a package for self-sampling. It should be sent back to the address indicated after taking the sample.

The test is performed on the basis of a blood sample that the patient collects himself. First, however, carefully read the instructions included in the package. A short questionnaire is attached to the package, where you provide contact details and choose the method of receiving the result. Samples must be returned within 14 days of receiving the package. The result is available after 5 days. It is also possible to test for peanut, chicken egg, milk and gluten intolerance.

Shipping diagnostic tests – diagnosis of the presence of parasites in the stool

This test is worth doing in the case of symptoms such as chronic diarrhea, constipation, digestive disorders, weight loss without cause or nausea, but also nervousness or insomnia. They can testify to the presence of parasites in the stool. In this case, it is worth performing a mail-order test for the presence of parasites in the stool. The survey can be ordered at

We receive the package from Al-Med within 2 days. It is necessary to take a stool sample according to the instructions included in the package and send it to the address provided. You should also complete the questionnaire and indicate the manner of receiving the results. We have 2 weeks to perform the test. We get the results within 5 working days.

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Shipping diagnostic tests – diagnosis of venereal diseases

Venereal diseases are quite an embarrassing problem. These are sexually transmitted diseases. They are caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. The infection occurs during oral, anal and vaginal intercourse. If the person does not use any protection during sex risk of infection with venereal disease it is much higher.

Unfortunately, their symptoms are not always noticed quickly. Often, these diseases are asymptomatic and are only diagnosed when complications from an untreated infection appear, such as heart problems, skin changes, or neurological problems. The most common symptoms of venereal diseases are:

  1. skin lesions, genital itching and rashes, or spots in the mouth;
  2. ulcers on the external genitalia, mouth, anus, and even on the fingers;
  3. a feeling of pressure on the bladder and a burning sensation when urinating;
  4. blisters in the genital area, anus, buttocks and even on the thighs;
  5. growths and warts on the genitals;
  6. pain during intercourse, lower abdominal pain in women and testicles in men;
  7. enlarged lymph nodes;
  8. vaginal or penile discharge.

Do not ignore such symptoms and consult your doctor immediately. However, if diagnostics are a shame for you, you can opt for a mail-order test. At you will find, among others:

  1. mail-order testing for syphilis;
  2. mail-order examination for trichomoniasis;
  3. mail-order diagnostic tests for gonorrhea;
  4. diagnostics of chlamydiosis – mail-order tests for women and men.

You can do the tests comfortably at home, without having to go to the clinic. The results will be available in a few days. However, the results should always be consulted with a doctor.

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Shipping diagnostic tests – cancer diagnostics

Detecting cancer early is essential to successful treatment. Until recently, prophylaxis was mainly based on regular diagnostic and imaging tests. Today, genetic testing is also used. Some people may carry certain abnormal genes. If the tests show their presence, it means that a person is at a much higher risk of developing a given cancer than people without this defective gene. This enables more accurate preventive examinations and the detection of lesions at a very early stage. Such people are subject to completely different oncological care and observation.

You can do this on your own without leaving your home. They are available at On the website you can get, for example, a mail-order genetic test for breast and ovarian cancer including the analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

Another mailing test is the stool test for M2PK. This is a test for colorectal cancer. M2PK is an enzyme whose high levels may indicate the appearance of cancer cells. This test can also be used in the diagnosis of breast, kidney and lung cancer. The indications for the examination are, for example, diarrhea, pencil-like stools, rectal bleeding, nausea, blood in the stool, stool consistency different than usual, severe abdominal pain, pressure on the stool and difficulty passing stool.

Shipping diagnostic tests – disease diagnostics

Dispatch diagnostic tests are also a convenient alternative to confirm or rule out the development of various diseases and conditions. By shipment, you can test in the direction of:

  1. thromboembolism – the test is offered by the Al-Med laboratory. The aim of the test is to detect the 20210 G> A mutation in the factor II gene, which allows to determine the risk of VTE. The appearance of the mutation may correspond, inter alia, to for miscarriage in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The examination brings you closer to making a diagnosis and implementing treatment. The survey is available at;
  2. blood hypercoagulability – it is a genetic mail-order test for women planning pregnancy and being pregnant, which you can find in the Al-Med laboratory offer. It is based on the determination of a genetic predisposition to the development of hypercoagulability resulting from the Leiden mutation in the F-5 gene. It affects the proper course of pregnancy as it may indicate a greater risk of thrombosis and make it difficult for the embryo to implant in the uterus. In addition, this mutation also increases the risk of stroke and heart attack;
  3. arthritis of the spine and limbs – the test is aimed at diagnosing spondyloarthropathy, which is a group of diseases of the joints of the spine, as well as the upper and lower extremities. This group of diseases includes psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing arthritis, post-infectious arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. These diseases can leave the locomotor system irreversible and make it difficult to move around. Symptoms that should lead to examination are rheumatic pains and arthritis. Performing the test increases the chances of proper treatment and staying fit for years. The study is offered by Al-Med. This is a mail-order test that includes the HLA-B27 test. During the test, it is possible to detect the human B27 leukocyte antigen on the cell surface and on this basis to determine the risk of developing spondyloarthropathy.

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