Shipitsa: how to remove the problem
A barb is a callus-like formation that has an irregular surface and is mottled with thin roots. This unpleasant and painful skin lesion is most common on the legs, elbows, and fingers. It is possible to remove the spines both with the help of traditional medicine and folk methods.
The difficulty of removing the spines lies in their amazing vitality and ability to self-reproduce even from a small papilla left after removing the center. In addition, it is believed that the spine is a viral disease. The virus itself is inactive, but quickly begins to multiply under favorable conditions. Therefore, if you are characterized by increased sweating of your feet or you have to come into contact with other people’s socks or slippers, be careful! You are at risk.
Home methods for removing thorns
First of all, be patient. Whichever procedure you choose, it will require multiple repetitions. Do not rush to finish with visible improvements, it is necessary to kill even deep spine roots, they can hide behind outwardly healthy skin.
Make onion compresses daily. Grate the onion and pour a tablespoon of vinegar into it. Put the resulting porridge on cheesecloth and tie it to the affected area. If there is no burning sensation, the onion can be rubbed gently. The dressing should be left overnight if you are not hypersensitive to vinegar. After vinegar, the spine will look like a white, softened wart.
Horseradish is an excellent rustic remedy that has been known since ancient times. Grate fresh horseradish root (a blender, unfortunately, will not help you, it will not be able to grind the root fibers), put in cheesecloth. Stretch your legs or arms in a basin, and while the affected area is white and warm, apply a horseradish compress to your finger, palm, or elbow. Wrap the top with plastic wrap. Keep it up all night. In the morning, the spine should turn red and start to itch.
An improperly removed or untreated spine can cause a tumor to form.
Repeat the procedure daily. A sign of recovery is the cessation of skin detachment after unparking in the place where the spine was.
Potatoes will help to remove the spike in a couple of weeks. Just grate a quarter of a raw root vegetable and, squeezing, tie to the wound. This is a good method, but a scar or spot will most likely remain where the spike is.
Since the disease is viral, then it is reasonable to treat the virus itself. Usually, medications with a wide spectrum of action are used, for example, interferon. The maximum course of treatment is 5 days.
If traditional methods to remove the spine do not help, contact cosmetologists. The “infection” is perfectly dried out by a laser or radio waves. You can try liquid nitrogen, but relapses are frequent after it. Moreover, the spines for some reason settle next to the treated area.
Traditional medicine practitioners dry the spines with a surgical scalpel under local anesthesia. A week of dressings and you are free.
In the next article, you will find tips on how to remove green stains from the skin.