Shipitsa: how to get rid of it at home? Video
A barb is a wart that forms on the foot. Usually this attack is formed under the thumb or on the heel. Such a wart appears with prolonged wearing of uncomfortable shoes. Fortunately, you can get rid of the spines even with the help of folk remedies.
A vinegar solution that allows you to quickly remove the wart
Take a roll of adhesive plaster, cut a small piece, in the middle of which, cut a hole with a diameter equal to the diameter of the spike. Place the tape over the wart so that it sticks out of the hole. Make a dough with 9% vinegar and a little wheat flour. Apply the mixture to the spike and cover with adhesive tape on top. Do not wet your foot for three days, and then remove the adhesive plaster with a healing test. After a few days, the wart disappears, and a small fossa forms in its place, which will quickly heal.
At home, it is not always possible to completely get rid of the spike. If the measures you have taken are unsuccessful, you will have to contact an experienced beautician for help.
We remove the plantar wart with nettles
Pick up a small bunch of young nettles, rinse the leaves well, dry them, and then grind them into gruel (this must be done so that the nettles do not burn). Then apply the resulting green gruel to the foot and wrap the top with a leaf of burdock. Put on your woolen socks and leave the healing compress overnight. As a result of such an absolutely painless procedure, keratinized skin, along with warts, begins to flake off, and clean skin replaces it.
Horseradish root vs thorn
Grate the horseradish root on a fine grater. Spread the leg, on the sole of which the wart has appeared, and apply the prepared gruel to the affected area. Put on a thick plastic bag on top and insulate. Keep this healing mask all night, and in the morning remove it and rinse your feet. A similar procedure is recommended to be repeated every evening until there is no trace of the wart. But this method of getting rid of a spike is not suitable for everyone: if you have sensitive skin, this method of removing a wart is not for you.
Potato paste is a quick way to remove plantar wart
Take one medium-sized tuber, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Then apply 1-2 tsp on a cotton pad. potato paste, place it on the wart-affected area of the foot, and bandage it on top.
If you make a potato compress every morning and every evening, after 1,5-2 weeks the problem will disappear without a trace
Treatment of thorns with celandine
Use celandine extract to get rid of the spines. Gently smear the spike on your heel or thumb with this miracle cure. After 4-5 treatments, you will be able to completely remove the plantar wart and clear the skin.
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