Shingles – symptoms, treatment, complications. How can you get infected? [EXPLAIN]

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Shingles is a viral disease that only occurs in people who have had chickenpox before. The etiological factor is the VZV virus, which causes smallpox at the first contact (most often in childhood) with a non-immune person. After the infection has been extinguished, the virus is not eliminated from the patient’s body, but remains dormant in the nerve cells. In the event of a significant decrease in immunity, the virus reactivates and shingles develops with its characteristic symptoms.

Shingles – what kind of disease is it

Shingles is a disease caused by the VZV virus, which is also responsible for chickenpox. Shingles occurs in people who have had chickenpox in the past. Where is it coming from? After chickenpox has healed, the virus is still in the bodybut in the form of dormant nerve cells. As soon as our immunity declines, the virus reactivates and causes shingles with symptoms such as rashes and blisters.

Shingles is most common in adults and the elderly. Each time you should go to a specialist who will implement the appropriate treatment. Keep in mind that from a person with shingles, we contract the same virus that causes chickenpox.

We encourage you to arrange consultations with a family doctor as part of the National Health Fund via the portal. The GP will take the interview, order additional tests and make an initial diagnosis.

Shingles – symptoms

In the first stage of the development of an infection in an area of ​​the body innervated by one sensory nerve, the so-called pain of various nature appears, which may be accompanied by itching of the skin, tingling sensation, numbness, etc. The patient also complains of malaise, headache, his body temperature may be elevated.

After a few days, it appears in the dermatome itchy rashidentical to smallpox, with morphology of macules, papules, serous-filled vesicles and pustules. Bursting vesicles leave behind painful erosions and ulcers that become covered with scabs, and those that fall off reveal shallow scars, discoloration or discoloration of the skin. The rash is still accompanied by general symptoms such as low-grade fever or fever, breakdown, and weakness. Constantly monitor the body temperature of the sick person in order to react as quickly as possible in the event of too high a fever. Measure temperature with VITAMMY nano 1 Electronic Thermometer with Fever Alarm. It is convenient to use and accurate.

The most common sites for shingles are the trunk, where the virus affects the nerves from the thoracic spine, and the head and face, where the cranial nerves are affected. On the other hand, shingles rarely appear on the extremities.

Shingles – types

Several variants of the disease can be distinguished, including ocular, otic and disseminated shingles.

Ocular shingles – attacks the branches of the trigeminal nerve, causing pain in the eye and its surroundings, a typical rash on the skin around the eye socket, on the eyelids and forehead, and ulcers on the cornea, which in extreme cases can lead to blindness. Ocular shingles is a type of disease that affects about 10-25 percent of people. shingles patients.

Ear shingles – the rash appears on the skin of the auricle, in the external auditory canal and on the eardrum, is accompanied by severe ear pain, tinnitus, and hearing impairment due to the presence of the vestibulocochlear nerve (responsible for hearing and balance). The herpes zoster virus can also attack the nearby facial nerve, disturbing both its sensory functions responsible for the taste and motor sensations, causing paresis and paralysis of the facial muscles. Ear shingles is one of the most common causes of facial paralysis.

Ear shingles is also known as Ramsay Hunt syndrome.

Diffuse shingles – this form of herpes zoster is difficult to distinguish from chicken pox because the eruptions appear in more than two dermatons; the development of multiple herpes zoster mainly affects people who have immunodeficiency.

In addition to the types of shingles listed above, also the severe forms of this disease are identified to which they belong hemorrhagic shingles i gangrenous shingles.

Check: Viral skin diseases – types

Shingles – causes

Shingles is caused by the exact same virus that causes chickenpox. Virus reactivation will usually occur when immunity is losing ground (although this is not the only factor). The group of people particularly at risk of developing the disease includes:

  1. particularly stressed people,
  2. people over 50,
  3. people whose immune system is weakened,
  4. people with other diseases,
  5. newborns.

Diseases and treatments that reduce immunity:

  1. tumors,
  2. chemotherapy,
  3. radiotherapy,
  4. taking synthetic adrenal steroids for a long time
  5. taking medications that counteract transplant rejection.

Do you want to improve your immunity? It can help Dietary supplement. My immunity which is a mixture of plant extracts with health-promoting properties. You can buy it at Medonet Market

How do we get shingles?

Most often we become infected through contact with skin blisters in a person suffering from shingles (when scabs appear, patients stop infecting). Occasionally, the blisters can become infected and healing takes a long time. Patients with herpes zoster should see a dermatologist if pain and redness persist, as the infection can cause scarring if left untreated. You can make an appointment with a dermatologist in private Arkmedic facilities, where we will get professional help in the fight against hair, skin and nail disorders.

Shingles is contagious, but is less contagious than chicken pox.


Shingles is most often contracted once, but a repeated or multiple history of the disease cannot be ruled out. However, this happens rarely – the probability is approx. 5%.

Read more about it: Is Shingles Contagious?

Shingles and pregnancy

Shingles is rare during pregnancy, but it is worth knowing that in such a situation there is no risk of harm to the fetus. It has not been found that intrauterine infection with VZV virus can occur. When it comes to treatment of herpes zoster in pregnant womenantiviral treatment can be given, but caution is exercised with pain medications. Appropriate pharmacotherapy can be carried out under the supervision of a doctor – usually paracetamol preparations and diphenhydramine soothing itching are used.

For smallpox and shingles, it is best to get vaccinated up to 3 months before becoming pregnant.

Women with herpes zoster who have had a baby should be especially careful because the baby may become infected with VZV through contact with the lesions. There are no contraindications for breastfeeding if the skin lesions caused by herpes zoster did not appear in the nipple area.

Shingles – diagnosis

The doctor will diagnose Shingles on the basis of visual examination of the skin and medical interview. If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, a section of the bladder or fluid inside is taken for further analysis. It is imperative to consult a doctor if shingles has affected the face, as this type of disease can even damage your eyesight.

Appropriate therapy helps to relieve pain and bothersome numbness and itching of the skin, which sometimes last for years.

Shingles – treatment

At the initial stage of the disease, analgesic treatment is initiated because the pain that accompanies shingles is troublesome. Painkillers, in addition to relieving pain, also shorten their duration. In some cases, the pain is so intense that the only way to relieve it is anesthetic injection.

Corticosteroids are drugs used to reduce swelling, but they are recommended in more severe cases and their use should be supervised by the treating physician. You can safely use cooling compresses for puffiness and puffiness, for example with a Cooling-Warming Gel Pack, which can be purchased at Medonet Market.

Additionally, acyclovir is used in the treatment, which is an effective antiviral drug – the therapy should be applied as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear. You can also wear looser clothing where the pain is most intense.

Shingles – complications

Another method is used to treat and prevent herpes zoster: vaccine. Studies show that it can reduce the risk of developing the disease by up to 50%, while in patients who have the first symptoms of the disease, pain is less compared to those who have never been vaccinated. Shingles does not usually require hospitalization, however it can cause complications in the form of neuralgia and the ocular form of the disease.

Shingles symptoms such as pain, tingling or numbness can last for months or even years. People with unpleasant neuralgia also complain of constant fatigue, trouble sleeping and lack of appetite. Persistent pain after shingles can result in insomnia, poor quality of life, and depression. In order to improve your well-being, it is worth using Hapisiv ™ YANGO for a good mood.

In people over the age of 60, even the most gentle touch may feel like severe pain.

Read also:

  1. We’ve lost herd immunity to measles. All because of refusal of vaccinations
  2. Infectious diseases of childhood – a review of selected diseases
  3. Mandatory and recommended vaccinations – how much does it cost?

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