Shin mycosis – chronic mycosis typical for women

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Syn.: Ringworm of the leg.

Def .: Little characteristic chronic mycosis of the skin of the lower extremities caused by anthropophilic fungi.

Epid .: It’s almost always there in women with impaired venous circulation, may be the result of hair removal by epilation or shaving. It usually begins with erythematous changes.

Etiol.: Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. granulosum.

Pat .: May be a consequence of hair removal by epilation or shaving. It usually begins with erythematous changes. T. rubrum penetrates into the hair follicle or into the hair itself (ectotrix).

Loc .: The skin of the lower legs.

Clinical: Skin lesions appear independently or are associated with fungal infection on the feet. There are specific paraventric changes on the shins (tinea granulomatosa nodularis cruris).

DL: Direct microscopic specimen brightened with KOH / DMSO reagent enables quick detection of fungal threads in the epidermal scales suspected of being infected with fungi, while the culture of infected fragments of the epidermis on Sabouraud’s medium enables the species identification.

DR: Bacterial infections, tuberculides.

But: Most of the well-known mycoses of smooth skin resolve after treatment with modern topical antifungal preparations (imidazole derivatives) within 2-4 weeks of treatment. It is recommended in the case of long-lasting infections affecting large areas of the skin oral treatment with azole preparations.

Year: The mycosis is chronic, requires removal of the factors that predispose to infection.

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