shih tzu dog
As soon as the representatives of this charming breed are not called – the imperial and chrysanthemum dog, the lion dog, the Tibetan goldilocks … And all these are not compliments, but a statement of facts. ” Healthy Food Near Me” will tell you why small but brave Shih Tzu are unique
Name of the breedShih Tzu
Country of originChina, Tibet
The time of the birth of the breedFrom ancient times
A typeDecorative breed
The weight4,5 – 8 kg
Height (at the withers)23 – 28 cm
Lifespan10 – 19 years
Price of puppies40 – 000 rubles
Most popular nicknamesArchie, Bucks, Bella, Bonya, Lucky, Nika, Penny, Richie, Rhonda, Chip

History of origin

The mystery of the origin of the breed has not been solved so far and is covered with beautiful oriental legends. According to ancient legends, Shih Tzu is a huge lion enclosed in the body of a small dog. It is believed that Buddha was accompanied on his travels by a tiny four-legged friend who, in case of danger, turned into a lion and protected the owner. In Tibet, they believed that it was precisely the Shih Tzu, so these animals were deeply revered. And although this is only a myth, “lion dogs” are really unique.

According to a global genetic study published in 2004 in the New York Times, the Shih Tzu belongs to a group of so-called ancient dog breeds that were among the first to form on the planet and have changed little since then. There are 14 such breeds in the world.

The first mention of Shih Tzu dates back to 1653: then the Tibetan Dalai Lama presented several individuals of this breed to the Emperor of China. Since then, “little lions” have become a real cult and a symbol of imperial power: servants were assigned to the dogs and it was forbidden to take them out not only from China, but also outside the Beijing palace. They were presented as a gift to especially revered guests, which was considered a sign of the highest imperial favor.

Shih Tzu appeared in Europe only in the 30s of the XX century. And during the Second World War, the fashion for these kids was introduced by the British military, who gladly acquired brave pets.

Today, “Tibetan goldilocks” are still considered a sign of nobility and exquisite taste. So, in Hollywood in different years, Elizabeth Taylor, Larry King, Kim Basinger and other stars started Shih Tzu. Even the billionaire Bill Gates and the British Queen Elizabeth II could not resist the charm of these dogs.

Breed description

The Shih Tzu is a small, energetic and elegant dog. You may have heard that they are also called “chrysanthemums” – thanks to the hair on the bridge of the nose, which grows up and to the sides, resembling a flower bud. The Shih Tzu has a short muzzle (attention – this is where, according to the standard, the coat should not be spotted) with high-set hanging ears that fit snugly to the head. The eyes are round and set wide apart. Proteins are not visible – because of this, the eyes look like black beads. The nostrils of the dog should be wide open: the standard does not allow their narrowing.

“The pride of the Shih Tzu is their coat: long, harsh and straight (perhaps wavy, but not curly), and the undercoat is thick, soft and thin,” says Marina Avdonina, owner of the shih-tzu kennel “GolDen Meri”. – The most diverse color is allowed: from white-red to brown and even black. White markings on the forehead and tip of the tail are especially valued, as well as colors that are combinations of two or three acceptable shades.

The Shih Tzu has a long neck, which allows them to proudly hold their heads. The back is straight with a strong loin. Paws are powerful, densely covered with hair. The tail is set high, carried over the back and spreads out like a fountain. Dogs conforming to the standard must move freely and gracefully.



Although Shih Tzu belong to a decorative breed, you should not think that these are “sofa” dogs. In the chest of these affectionate and cute animals, the heart of a real lion beats. Pets of this breed are characterized by a strong psyche, stubborn character and even courage. You can be sure that when you meet a bully in a dark alley or even a pack of stray dogs, your little “lion” will stand up for you without hesitation.

“These dogs are absolute extroverts, very cheerful and trusting,” says Marina Avdonina. – They love to play and be on the hands. For single people, Shih Tzu will become excellent companions, and for family people – an indispensable friend for both adults and children. Dogs of this breed are very touchingly attached to their owners and literally follow them on their heels. But the upbringing of a dog must be dealt with from childhood.

It is very important to show the Shih Tzu in time who is the boss in the house. The dog must know that it is obliged to obey the person, otherwise the animal will take over the leadership and organize a mess in the apartment. If education is neglected in childhood, it is very difficult to teach obedience to an adult animal.

Care and maintenance

According to the recommendations of breeders, the best age to buy a puppy is 2,5 months. By this age, the pet should have all vaccinations and be accustomed to the tray.

The long hair of the “little lions” gives a lot of trouble to the owners, because it requires daily care. The dog should be thoroughly combed, moistened with conditioner or water, and paying special attention to the “problem areas”: armpits, areas on the abdomen and behind the ears. This process is not fast and requires attention and accuracy, from the tools – a massage brush and a comb with large teeth. Haircuts and “tails” will be an excellent alternative, especially in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe muzzle, where the wool gets dirty while eating and climbs into the eyes.

Once every 10 days, the animal needs to cut its claws – this procedure can be done in parallel with cutting the hair on the paws.

“Many owners cut their pets short for their own convenience,” continues Marina Avdonina. – But even such a haircut does not cancel the daily combing and frequent bathing. Most importantly, do not try to cut the dog yourself – masters in grooming salons will cope with this task much better.

Shih Tzu nutrition requires special attention: most of the dishes from the master’s table are not recommended for them. For example, pork, river fish, pasta and cereals. Also banned sweet and smoked milk.

– In the diet of Shih Tzu should be: raw or boiled meat of veal, beef, chicken, turkey or rabbit, – specifies the breeder. – You need to be selective with offal: beef and bird hearts are suitable, but the lung and tongue can be lamb, but in limited quantities. Liver – only in boiled form. From fish – salmon fillet.

If you decide to feed your pet with dry food, keep in mind that its quality directly affects the appearance of the dog’s coat. Generally, Shih Tzu is recommended to eat super premium food with low fat and protein content. But a mixed diet is not desirable, as it has a bad effect on the Shih Tzu’s stomach and liver – choose either dry food or natural.

Education and training

Shih Tzu is a dog that definitely needs to be handled. And the sooner education begins, the better. Well, if you work with a “chrysanthemum” dog, there will be a professional cynologist who specializes in this particular breed. Such a professional will not break the psyche and the steel character of the Shih Tzu: with the right positioning, a smart dog will accept a mentor herself.

Shih Tzu puppies perceive training as a game. Therefore, if you miss the moment, the dog can grow up wayward: it will bark loudly, grab the home by the legs and misbehave when the owners are not at home.

At the same time, “lion-dogs” respond well to human speech and quickly remember commands. But do not think that they are capable of circus tricks and unquestioning obedience: these are animals with an innate sense of their own dignity.

Health and disease

If the pet does not have hereditary diseases, and the owners provide him with proper care and nutrition, then the Shih Tzu can live up to 17 years, remaining active even in old age. However, the luxurious coat of a dog makes it vulnerable in many ways. Particularly for fleas. After each walk, carefully inspect the pet, especially during the period of activity of ticks.

“In addition, under the thick long hair, you can not notice the abscess, which causes discomfort and pain to the animal,” notes Marina Avdonina. – Such purulent wounds should be carefully washed with warm salted water, but it is better to contact the veterinarian immediately. Another “wool” problem is swallowing hairballs when the dog licks itself. And if a small lump can pass without consequences, then a large one is very dangerous, up to suffocation.

Keep a close eye on your pet’s eye health: Shih Tzu, like many flat-faced toy dog ​​breeds, are prone to eye conditions ranging from conjunctivitis to proptosis (protrusion of the eyeball). In the presence of injuries, inflammation or profuse lacrimation, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Another weak point of the Shih Tzu is the back. Since this agile dog has short legs and a rather long body, its jumping from and to furniture should be controlled. Damage to the spine is fraught with partial paralysis of the Shih Tzu.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about the Shih Tzu breed with veterinarian, zoo engineer Anastasia Kalinina.

How long does it take to walk a Shih Tzu?

It is advisable to walk the Shih Tzu at least 1 hour a day. These are strong hardy dogs, so you need to walk with them daily.

Can a Shih Tzu get along with a cat?

They get along well with cats. But the cat should not be aggressive, otherwise injuries to the large round eyes of the Shih Tzu are possible. It is advisable to make friends between a puppy and a kitten while they are still small.

How do Shih Tzus react to other dogs?

To avoid aggression of fear, the dog needs to be socialized and not constantly grabbed in your arms as soon as you think that he is excited. It is necessary to stop aggression towards large dogs. However, most often Shih Tzu are bold and adequate.

Does a Shih Tzu have a specific smell?

If the dog is properly cared for, then there will be no smell. An unpleasant odor is a sign of illness or poor care.

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