Shiatsu massage: shiatsu technique for weight loss. Video
The method of Japanese Shiatsu massage is a practical therapy that includes methods of treatment by pressing the fingers of the hands on the active points on the human body. Shiatsu is an ancient teaching that includes techniques for self-massage, diagnosis through tactile analysis, and treatment techniques.
Shiatsu massage: shiatsu technique for weight loss
Shiatsu massage is based on the high sensitivity of the hands of the massage therapist, who, based on his own knowledge and sensations from palpation, must establish a diagnosis and offer treatment, and medical intervention is completely excluded. The most famous master of this type of therapy – Japanese Tokiuro Namikoshi – died in 2000 at the age of 95. His numerous followers and those who called themselves disciples opened clinics and organized courses to teach the master’s technique, but only a few managed to reach the heights.
Shiatsu massage is done primarily with the thumbs. The degree of pressing should be quite strong, the fingers are kept perpendicular to the surface of the body when working. Do not apply pressure with your fingertips. Firstly, the masseur will quickly get tired of this, his hands will lose sensitivity, and secondly, the patient will experience a sharp painful sensation, and although Shiatsu causes some discomfort, it never turns into pain. On the contrary, this massage method allows you to relieve pain and straighten the patient’s muscles.
When treating the back, working with mimic muscles of the face and abdominal muscles, the masseur uses the techniques of “three fingers”: ring, index and middle. The pressure is distributed between the fingers, then concentrated in each of them alternately. Treatment with vibration looks very exotic from the outside. The accuracy and abruptness of the massage therapist’s hand movements, the ability to control the entire palm so that it, actively vibrating, transmits an impulse, vibration to the patient’s body, are simply mesmerizing.
This technique allows you to work with such muscle groups that cannot be “reached” with your fingers, for example, these are the facial muscles of the eyelids, the periocular region
It is thanks to such “fluttering” movements that an amazing effect of rejuvenation is achieved when performing a Shiatsu cosmetic massage. The fact that Shiatsu massage contributes to the active weight loss of the patient has also been noticed.
Mastering massage techniques
It is not easy to master Shiatsu massage, the master must not only subtly feel his fingers and the patient’s condition, but also be able to control the force of pressure, its speed, accuracy and duration. A single tap on a point can vary from 5 to 7 seconds. However, treatment in the neck area should be continued for no more than 3 seconds. Pressing force should not contribute to discomfort. However, it is not even the mastery of technology that is important, but knowledge of the location of active points, an understanding of their functions and the ability to manipulate them.
By the way, the Shiatsu technique was called massage not quite correctly, because there are no massage, rubbing movements in it. It is very important to produce pressure using the fingertips directly, while all the weight of the body should be transferred to them, concentrating on one point.
Muscle contraction is accompanied by the formation of lactic acid, the accumulation of which causes muscle tissue fatigue, and their contraction becomes difficult. Shiatsu promotes acid elimination
At home, for preventive procedures, massage with a minimum effect of 3 to 5 seconds is recommended. At the same time, professional masters can work with patients for hours, applying pressure to only one point for 15-30 minutes.