Shevchenko method: preparation + how to take it correctly

It is assumed that vodka + vegetable oil affects cancer cells and its properties can cure many diseases. This therapy is called the “method of Nikolay Shevchenko”.

It would seem, how can a mixture of 40-degree vodka with ordinary sunflower oil be properly absorbed in the body, and even for useful medical purposes?

Doctors of classical medicine are skeptical about this type of treatment, because the Shevchenko method is not like any of the usual ways to eradicate diseases. And it also has a murky scientific justification.

Shake not recommended treated by this method, but to understand the issue, we will still reveal this topic below.

Proponents of traditional medicine

To this day, they leave positive reviews on the Internet, share their experience of cooking and eating.

According to the Shevchenko method, not only a cancerous tumor is cured, but also other diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis.

  2. Endometriosis.

  3. Allergies and skin diseases.

But this is not the whole list that people managed to defeat using the Shevchenko method. Everyone can find improvements in their other ailments after using this type of “medicine”.

All of the above makes sense, but the following must be added: this method has the risk of provoking acute pancreatitis. Regular intake is categorically not suitable for people with liver and gallbladder diseases. And one more drawback – this method spoils the stomach.

In any case, it is up to you to decide whether it is worth trying the Shevchenko method. A “miracle” is always expected from non-traditional methods of treatment, but here it is important to do everything exactly as described in the methodology.

Preparation of the mixture

Pour 30-40 ml of good quality unrefined sunflower oil into a clean glass, add 30-40 ml of 40-degree vodka there. (It is important to observe this proportion!).

Cover the glass with a lid or any suitable object and shake thoroughly for 3 to 5 minutes. Immediately the resulting liquid should be taken orally. For those who are just starting to start therapy, it is strongly recommended to limit yourself to a dosage of 30 per 30 ml.

Why is it important that the ratio of both ingredients in a glass should be the same? Because each organism individually perceives such a mixture. For the first time, it is best to follow this advice.

How to choose the right vodka and oil

We buy only fresh, sunflower, unrefined oil. It is very important. Any other will not give the desired effect and benefit.

Vodka must be purchased only at a trusted outlet or a specialized store. Be sure to 40-degree, high-quality vodka. In no case should you use “homemade” vodka, which is infused on its own on herbs and roots at home.

How to take the prepared mixture

Prepare and drink the mixture three times a day and strictly 20 minutes before meals. Please note that between the use of the mixture and the meal (after 20 minutes), you can not drink water or food. During the day, it is best to take liquid at regular intervals.

According to Shevchenko’s rules, the mixture should be taken in courses:

  1. We accept 10 days, we take a break for 5 days.

  2. We accept 10 days, a pause is required again for 14 days.

If no side effects are observed and there is an improvement in health, we continue to take the liquid in courses until complete recovery. The entire course should be the use of the mixture for at least 3 years.

Relevance: 09.12.2019

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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