Sherry glass

A glass of sherry can rightly be called a “jack of all trades”, because in addition to its main purpose, it is also used as a glass for port wine, aperitifs and liquors. Basically it is a small glass with a volume of 60 ml.

There are several types of sherry glasses, or, as it is also called, sherry glasses. It has a characteristic elongated conical shape and a stem 4 to 5 cm high. It is customary to drink sherry in small sips, thereby prolonging the pleasure, which is why the volume of the glass is so small.

As a rule, sherry should be served pre-chilled, and the extended stem will prevent the drink from heating up quickly due to the heat of the hand. This glass allows you to fully experience the bouquet and aroma of wine, while almost not feeling alcohol, since the narrow neck of the glass does not allow alcohol to evaporate.

Relevance: 01.04.2015

Tags: Encyclopedia

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