Shelter of plants for the winter in the country: caring for perennials in the fall, preparing herbs and flowers for the cold, warming rules

With the end of the summer season, sheltering plants for the winter becomes relevant for every gardener. Fundamentally important are the individual characteristics of each culture, because the method of shelter depends on this.

Why is shelter needed?

Warming shrubs and flowers in the garden is an important care procedure. Its correct implementation will protect the garden pet from adverse environmental factors. The construction of a shelter is a kind of preparation of plants for winter.

In addition to the main function of the shelter – insulation, there are a number of other advantages of this procedure:

  1. Protection against rodents that love to profit from the bark of trees.
  2. Maintaining the integrity of the trunks. Severe frosts often lead to cracks in the trunk. To prevent this, the trees are treated with whitewash or covered with spruce branches.
  3. Protection against sunburn, which is possible even in winter. Since February, the rays of the sun are detrimental to young bushes up to 5 years old.

There is no fixed term that is universal for all plants. To choose the time for warming, it is important to study the characteristics of each culture. This information will help you understand not only when to cover, but also with what. Gardeners recommend not to rush to insulate a tree or shrub with the onset of the first cold weather. Small frosts will not destroy the culture, but excess moisture accumulating under the insulation material will provoke rotting and rotting of the root system.

November is the approximate time for the preparation of insulation, since low temperatures are established during this period.

Video: “How to cover plants for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to properly cover the plants for the winter.

How to cover plants for the winter

What plants need to be protected from the cold

First you need to find out the level of resistance of a garden pet to:

  • low temperatures;
  • fungal diseases;
  • burning in the second half of winter the sun’s rays.

You also need to take into account the climatic characteristics of your region. This is one of the main aspects in choosing a method of insulation.

The following perennials need warming before wintering:

  • grapes;
  • tamarix;
  • young thuja;
  • fuchsia;
  • stonecrop prominent (only young bushes);
  • buldenej;
  • rhododendron (azalya);
  • liatris;
  • wisteria;
  • lavender;
  • badan;
  • peony;
  • sage;
  • clematis;
  • buzulnik;
  • lily;
  • montbrecia;
  • cotton wool
  • chrysanthemum;
  • calla;
  • knifofia;
  • grain field;
  • sapling (only seedlings);
  • chamomile;
  • seven;
  • skumpia (only seedlings);
  • clove turkish;
  • rose

Some varieties of perennials are cold hardy, so they will need lighter cover.

Cold hardy crops include:

  • aquilegia alpine;
  • aster;
  • clove Shabo;
  • monarda;
  • fern.

Best Shelter Materials

The choice of insulating materials is varied. It includes both old “grandfather” ways and modern ones.

“Grandfather” methods of insulation:

  1. Hilling. This option is suitable for low-growing plants. So that the soil does not freeze, prepare a mixture of peat and humus. Mulch covers the aerial part of a shrub or flower, as well as the root area.
  2. Lapnik. Spruce or pine branches are an excellent shelter option in regions with relatively warm winters. The plant is well ventilated, which prevents rotting of the root system. In addition, the branches serve as a good shelter from the scorching sun. Lapnik reliably protects from wind and precipitation, but it is not able to resist strong frosts.
  3. Dry leaves will be a good protection against the first cold of autumn, but with the onset of frost, you need to take care of more substantial warming. Overheating, the leaves become a kind of fertilizer that positively affects the fertility of the soil. However, not all foliage can be used to build a shelter. Experienced summer residents use dry leaves of oak, maple or birch. They are collected in bags and distributed among the beds. The leaves of fruit trees are considered unsuitable for these purposes.
  4. Straw or dry stems are often used as insulation. But over time, the material cakes and rots, which can provoke fungal diseases. To prevent this, any waterproof material is placed on top of the straw. Leave some space at the bottom for air to circulate.

Modern materials:

  1. Non-woven fabric, like lutrasil, geotextile, spunbond. It retains heat for a long time, so it is advisable to use it for residents of regions with severe winters. The material is used both independently and as an element of a frame structure. The material is classified by density: a non-woven fabric with a density of 30 g / m² will protect the plant at a temperature of -7 ° C, and for a material with a density of 60 g / m², temperatures down to -10 ° C are not afraid. For agricultural purposes, Agrospunbond is used – this is a cover that will reliably protect the plant from significant cooling, the scorching rays of the sun, insects and rodents.
  2. Burlap is an organic material, so it can be buried in the ground without fear of exposure to toxins. When choosing matter as a heater, care should be taken that there is an open space between it and the plant. The burlap absorbs liquid well. Its excess creates a comfortable habitat for fungal diseases. It is important to use new burlap. If this is not possible, the material should be treated with fungicides.
  3. Jute mesh is a more expensive type of burlap. In addition, it is much stiffer, so it is more difficult to work with it.
  4. The film is able to keep the root space dry. This is definitely an advantage. But the summer resident should remember the need for good air circulation in the shelter.
  5. Composite fabric is a tandem of geotextiles and fine mesh. The option is used for undersized shrubs, because the size of the canvas is small. When working with the material, you must first prepare the frame, since the canvas does not hold its shape.

Before you start preparing a flower garden for winter, you need to remember one important fact: the plant receives the lion’s share of heat and nutrients from the ground. That is why it is important to ensure the thermal insulation of the soil.

Covers and frame structures serve to protect against winds, sun rays and precipitation, but not from frost. They are relevant for the Moscow region and other regions with relatively mild winters. In areas with severe frosts, more substantial methods of insulation are resorted to.

The main methods of shelter are:

  1. Hilling. It is a distribution at the base of a tree or shrub of a loose mixture of peat, earth and sawdust. The method is relevant for the regions of central Our Country, where heat is replaced by a sharp cooling. Hilling is unacceptable if cracks appear on the stem or trunk. This is fraught with the occurrence of a fungal infection and the death of the plant.
  2. Mulching is often used with bulbous flowers, as they have a shallow root system. The method is covering the soil with moss, sawdust, foliage and other materials to keep warm.
  3. Bending down is relevant for tall heat-loving crops. The technology of this method is very simple: a stake is driven into the ground, to which the ground part of the plant is tied, followed by snow cover.
  4. The air-dry method is characterized by the construction of a frame, which is covered with a heat-insulating and waterproof material.
  5. The air-wet method of insulation is similar to the previous one. It involves the creation of an air gap around a shrub or tree. The stems left after pruning are used as pegs. The plant is covered with thin matter, due to which it receives the necessary amount of liquid, light and air. It is good oxygen circulation that is the main sign of a properly constructed greenhouse.

Shelter of plants for the winter in the country: caring for perennials in the fall, preparing herbs and flowers for the cold, warming rules

Experienced gardeners prepare in advance for the onset of cold weather. During this period, plants living in a country house or in an apartment need special care. Compliance with the key norms and rules of warming will provide the garden pet with a long life and lush flowering.

Author: Svetlana Golitsina


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