Shelf life of cosmetics, how to properly store beauty products
By doing these things, you are killing your beauty products.
You can extend the life of your favorite mascara by adding water to it, the varnish will live longer in the refrigerator, and an open sunscreen will come in handy after a year – these and other misconceptions about cosmetics threaten our skin and health. What not to do with beauty products, the experts of the expert portal “Roskontrol” tell.
Store until the end of the expiration date
Even if the gloss says that it lives six months from the date of opening, this does not mean at all that the product will turn into a “pumpkin” in exactly 182 and a half days. For creams, lipsticks, mascaras and other products, the X hour can break through much earlier. Notice a change in consistency, stickiness, rancidity, or a bad smell? Do not look at the expiration date, send the bottle to the basket, nothing will help it. This rule applies to all types of makeup and decorative cosmetics, except for dry products. Yes, lipstick is stored for about two years, but most often it becomes unusable much earlier, because it has to come into contact with a whole army of bacteria on the lips. If you continue to use such a product, there is a high probability that inflammations will bloom.
Turn your bathroom into a cosmetic bag
Where else to paint if not in the bathroom? Of course, it is convenient to keep all the jars close at hand, and not run after them into the room. Neglecting storage conditions, many girls earn allergies and other skin troubles. Warm and humid air creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogens, so the cream in the bathroom deteriorates like a fruit forgotten in the sun. If you do not want your cosmetics to “ferment”, take a place for it at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
We are all in a hurry in the morning and sometimes in a hurry we forget to slam the powder box, to wrap the lid of the cream all the way. And then we wonder: why do we have acne from lotion against them? Dust particles, bacteria and oxygen can easily enter a poorly closed product. Microbes, like us, need air for life, and when it appears, they start to multiply with pleasure. The cream becomes dangerous from useful.
Who and why came up with the idea of putting cosmetics in the refrigerator is not known for certain. There is logic in this action – the products do not deteriorate, which means that the varnish and ink will not be lost! However, temperature drops and a too low thermometer value harm funds no less than the sun and moisture, and contribute to their early failure. You can and should store organic cosmetics without preservatives in the refrigerator (otherwise it will really deteriorate), thermal water and products with a cooling effect, such as anti-puffiness eye masks.
The habit of extending the life of cosmetics has remained with many women since the days of the USSR, when good mascara was difficult to get. Most often, girls revive it and nail polish. Water is added to mascara, someone contrives and perfume, and to varnish – liquid to remove it. You cannot do both. The water will create a breeding ground for microbes in the tube. Perfume will not save her either – you will get allergies and irritation at best. The varnish will come to life only once and then dry up, but your nails will remember such a test for a long time. If the cosmetics have dried up, this is an excuse to buy a new one. By the way, ink lasts only three months.
Do you think that in vain beauticians use a spatula in salons? Masks, creams and gels in jars keep better and longer if they do not come into contact with fingers, even if they are clean. Climbing into the jar, we leave microbes in the product, but they do their job – they multiply inside and move to the skin.
Very often, pleasant favorite perfumes cease to be such and acquire a fragrance that is not French at all. Why is this happening, because perfumery is a long-liver in comparison with decorative and care cosmetics? The more alcohol in the product, the longer it will retain its properties. Eau de toilette can stand on the table for many years without changing the smell, and concentrated perfume – once, and it will deteriorate. The reason lies in the essential oils, which are found in large quantities in the perfume. If you leave such a bubble in a room illuminated by the rays of natural light, the oils will begin to decompose in the sun.
Who among us has not returned from vacation with a half-empty tube of sunscreen? Many do this. It’s a pity to throw it away, because it was not cheap! Remember, no matter how well you store such cosmetics, products with a sunscreen effect lose their properties within a year, so it makes no sense to save them. They may simply not work, and you will get burned.
Dry cosmetics – shadows, blush, powder and other beauty products – last a long time, but only if we do not destroy them ourselves. Apply eyeshadow with a brush and powder with a sponge? Remember to wash your tools, and more than once a month during the spring cleaning period, and at least twice a week. Two “headwashers” are for lazy beauties, the ideal option is daily cleaning of brushes, sponges and applicators in soapy water.