Shearing mycosis – how does it manifest itself? What is the treatment like?

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Clip mycosis is one of the many types of mycoses and appears on the scalp. This ailment is caused by anthropophilic fungi, such as T. violeceum and T. tonsurans. It manifests itself with disease lesions that resemble places with unevenly trimmed hair, and their appearance depends on the form of the disease.

What is shearing mycosis?

Shearing mycosis is one of the the most common varieties of ringworm appearing on the scalp. The disease is caused by several species of fungi, including: Microsporum audouinii, Trichophyton violaceum. Disease outbreaks look like places where hair has been cut unevenly. Hair destruction at different levels and different activity of the disease process in the skin allow the following types to be distinguished:

  1. superficial figure – is a condition that is not accompanied by inflammation. It occurs all over the world and is the most common cause of it Trichophyton tonsurans. The peak of disease incidence is in the pre-school period, thus the disease affects children more often than adults;
  2. deep form – inflammation occurs, and the disease itself occurs primarily in people who have had contact with domestic animals as well as household animals. This type of ailment, in turn, is more common in adults.

DIG. G-31. Shearing mycosis.

What are the causes of clipping mycosis?

The causes of mycosis depend on its type.

1. Superficial shearing mycosis, occurs most often as a result of infection with certain types of fungi, e.g .:

  1. Microsporum audouinii (inhabits humans and is widespread in, for example, kindergartens and schools);
  2. Trichophyton violaceum (lives with people);
  3. Trichophyton tonsurans (inhabits humans);
  4. Microsporum canis (inhabits animals and is most often transmitted by domestic animals, e.g. cats).

2. Deep clipping mycosis appears as a result of infection with soil-borne fungi, e.g .:

  1. Trichophyton verrucosum,
  2. Trichophyton mentagrophytes var granulosum,
  3. Trichophyton equinum.

Symptoms of superficial shearing mycosis

In this type of mycosis, peeling lesions with slight hair loss can be observed in the patient. The lesions expand and then form large areas with no hair present. It is possible to heal the disease itself and to regrow the lost hair, which usually occurs after puberty in adolescents.

In addition, it can be seen in patients bristly hair in an area that has not become inflamed. This condition occurs when the disease triggering fungus is on Microspores dog. Superficial mycosis leaves no scars and irreversible hair loss. It is worth mentioning that this type of mycosis is also divided (depending on the morphology of the lesions):

  1. dotted figure (only invoked by Trichophyton tonsurans and characterized by mild inflammation and the presence of a large number of black spots);
  2. dandruff form,
  3. exfoliating form.

Symptoms of deep shearing mycosis

In this variety, the diseases appear erythematous changeswith peeling of the skin and extreme hair loss. Contrary to the superficial form, the lesions are delimited and the existing inflammation can be easily observed. Some patients (infected with zoophilic fungi) may develop sclerosis and numerous pustules. In addition, the destruction of the hair follicles can occur.

The development of mycosis causes nodules that contain drainage fistulas and are covered with pustules (these lesions are called kerions).

Early diagnosis and implementation of appropriate treatment gives a good prognosis. In this case, it is also possible to heal itself, but unfortunately this variety causes scarring and permanent hair loss.

Shearing mycosis diagnostics

Microscopic examination of cuticles and hair collected from the patient and additional cultivation – help in the final confirmation of the diagnosis. In addition, some doctors for diagnostic tests use a lamp that emits UV radiation and does not cause lesions to glow, except for those resulting from infection with fungi of the species microsporum (then the changes show green fluorescence).

In diagnostics, it is also important to differentiate the disease from other ailments. For this reason superficial shearing mycosis should be differentiated from:

  1. alopecia areata (no exfoliating changes, no changes in the hair);
  2. common dandruff (changes do not apply to hair);
  3. psoriasis (no hair changes);
  4. seborrheic eczema (characterized by the presence of seborrheic scabs).

In turn, deep shearing mycosis should be differentiated from:

  1. yeast granuloma – lesions more often attack mucous membranes and nails, sparing hair;
  2. furunculosis – characterized by pain and necrotic plugs;
  3. staphylococcal sycosis – the lesions do not affect the hair, and the course of the disease itself is chronic.

How to treat clipping mycosis?

The most common type of treatment is local treatment – then the patient is prescribed ointments that contain them ciclopirox. As for general treatment, it is implemented in the presence of many focal lesions in the area of ​​the scalp – the patient is given preparations in the form of terbinafine, ketoconazole or itraconazole.

Read also:

  1. Clipping mycosis of smooth skin
  2. Deep and superficial beard clipping – symptoms, treatment, photos
  3. Organ mycoses. How to cure organ mycoses?

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