She was taking vitamin D for horses. The effects were dire. It wiped out her body

Vitamin D deficiencies are dangerous to our health. It turns out, however, that it can also be overdosed. This was the case with the patient of Dr. Szymon Suwała, who took supplements for … horses! The 40-year-old saw a doctor with serious ailments. It turned out that her body developed serious diseases. See how to protect yourself from it.

  1. Dr. Szymon Suwała described the case of one of his patients on social media to warn other people
  2. The 40-year-old was taking vitamin D intended for horses. This led to hypercalcemia and, as a result, the development of many serious diseases
  3. The author of the blog, pharmacist Marcin Korczyk, warns against taking too much vitamins. It is as dangerous as their shortages
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

The woman was taking vitamin D for horses

Doctor Szymon Suwała from the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, CM UMK at the University Hospital No. 1 in Bydgoszcz described the case of his patient in social media. The doctor did this as a warning. It turns out that an increasing number of Poles are reaching for vitamins dedicated to animals. People think that higher doses of vitamins will have a positive effect on their body. Unfortunately, it is completely different.

The endocrinologist in his entry revealed that he was approached by a woman diagnosed with hypercalcemia, i.e. an increased concentration of calcium in the body. The 40-year-old complained of, among other things, palpitations, general weakness and back and abdominal pain. The doctor tried to find the cause of this, which was not easy. In the end, the woman confessed to taking 50 vitamin D for horses. j. daily with K2 MK7.

“Such a procedure was recommended to the patient by an acquaintance of a nurse, inspired by the films of one of the gurus of alternative medicine. Despite the patient’s reluctance, due to her symptoms, I referred her to the hospital. My fears were confirmed – the level of vitamin D was 420 ng / ml, with the optimal one being 30-50 ng / ml »- we read in the post by Szymon Suwałki.

Unfortunately, this woman’s case is not unique. Poles are more and more willing to reach for various types of supplements, including vitamins D, C, A, K or biotin and collagen. Some of them, however, do not follow the recommended doses. What’s more, there are people who, like the 40-year-old, reach for vitamins intended for animals, hoping that they will work better.

«With vitamins is just like refueling your car or charging your phone’s battery. You can fill them up or load them 100%, but if someone tries to force it to 200%, nothing good will happen. Any attempt to exceed the norm will either spill out or burn out. In the worst case, it can even explode. The only right solution is to fill the gaps on an ongoing basis »advises pharmacist Marcin Korczyk, author of the popular blog, in an interview with

What is the risk of vitamin D overdose?

In Poland, it is not difficult to lead to vitamin D deficiency. This is mainly due to our latitude. From autumn to spring, the sun does not pamper us. Therefore, doctors advise to start supplementing with vitamin D during this period. However, before we do this, let’s do a vitamin D level test, which will tell us if it is really necessary in our case. At you can buy a cassette test for home vitamin D testing.

Marcin Korczak warns that vitamin D can also be overdosed. And this, in turn, causes damage to blood vessels, among other things. We are then more exposed to diseases of the cardiovascular system. We can also share the fate of a 40-year-old who developed hypercalcemia. This in turn led to her neurological disorders, gastric ulcer, nephrolithiasis, abnormal heart rhythm and pancreatic function.

In order to take the correct doses of vitamins, one should reach for those that are intended for a specific age group and in the right dose. Reach, for example, for Omega 3 + D3 4000 IU YANGO – a dietary supplement for seniors.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, Dr. Agnieszka Bolikowska – the founder of Linguistics, creator of the 6oMethod® method, will tell us about what slow learning is. How to break the language barrier? How to learn to make mistakes? You will learn about this and other aspects of language learning in today’s episode. Listen!

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