She walked 500 km to show that you can live with epilepsy – “Notice Me” in JUST MUST

Jadwiga Grochowalska, President of the Polish Association of People Suffering from Epilepsy, supports the nationwide Just Must campaign, the aim of which is to search for participants fulfilling their dreams. For the fourth time she organized and took part in the Nordic Walkers’ march as part of the Notify Me, come for health action.

The route led from Malbork to Pyrzyce and was over 530 km long. The main idea of ​​the action “Notice Me” is to both support and attract the attention of the media and society to the needs of people suffering from epilepsy. Education on how to behave in the event of an epileptic seizure is also very important.

Epilepsy is a neurological disease in Poland also known as epilepsy. Usually, it causes a lot of anxiety among patients and their environment, its main characteristic are seizures of varying severity.

Ms. Jadwiga emphasizes that despite the disease that accompanies her from the age of 17, it is not worth giving up but fighting to the end, setting goals, overcoming weaknesses and making your dreams come true.

Of course, nothing happens without the support and understanding of third parties, without whom it would be much harder. As Ms Jadwiga herself adds, “It’s nice that there are still so many people filled with empathy who are not indifferent to the fate of others, which was perfectly felt during the 16 stages of the marked route 4 of the action finale. – Every day I was positively surprised by the cordiality of people who supported and participated in this very important event! Jadwiga Grochowalska said.

Mikołaj, the son of Jadwiga, also took part in the “Notice me” action for the first time.

– I am very proud of him, he supported me very much both during the joint journey of the first three stages and during the entire action – summed up the participant.

Despite many unfavorable weather conditions that prevailed on the route, many lonely kilometers that had to be faced, a few crises and the inevitable pain that accompanied during such a long journey, Mrs. Jadwiga achieved her goal !!!

Until February 28, you can submit your applications for the competition of the nationwide campaign “Just Must” Become who you want to be. There is a prize of PLN 10 funded by Virgin Mobile and

Details at and

More information about the action Notice me on the website:

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