She gave birth to twins who have a different skin color. “They think that with two different fathers”

All mothers say they have exceptional children, but 29-year-old Chentelle Broughton really has a reason. And not only she sees it, but also other people. The woman gave birth to twins who have different skin colors.

Chentelle and her partner Ashton, who is half Jamaican and half Scottish, became parents of twins in April boy and girl. What was the surprise of both mother and medical staff when during this time childbirth it turned out that the children had a different skin color. Azirah’s daughter was born with brown eyes and a dark complexion, and Ayon’s son has green eyes and light skin color.

Gemini with a different skin color

Parents thought that maybe their appearance would change over time and they would be more similar to each other, but it is quite the opposite.

As time passed, Azirah grew darker. At this point, her skin color is darker than her father’s

says a nurse quoted by The Mirror.

The woman added that children have different personalities.

«They also have different hairs and completely different personalities. Azirah is calmer, while Ayon needs much more attention. He always wants to be rocked » the woman explained.

See also: Doctors separated Siamese twins connected by brains. The children lived in the hospital

Children are so different from each other that a woman is often asked if she is the mother of both. The woman got used to such questions, as well as to this unusual situation.

People think I have children with two different fathers. They comment on how amazing it is. I often hear: “Are they both yours?” I am very glad that they are like that. This is my own special little family

she said.

The website quotes Professor James Mclnerney, chair of evolutionary biology at the University of Nottingham, as saying why this could have happened. He claims it is because the father of the children is of Jamaican-Scottish origin, while their mother is also of mixed race, although it does not show. Her grandfather was Nigerian.

«Twins are not identical (monozygotic) twins and therefore have different genetics they are as related to each other as two siblings. This means that they have 50 percent. common alleles (type of gene). In this case, one twin was a recipient of several alleles that might give his skin a lighter color, while the other twin received several alleles that make her skin slightly darker he explained.

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