Shatavari (known in Russia as asparagus racemose) is a unique medicinal plant, which is mentioned in the ancient recipes of Indian Ayurveda. Shatavari has a positive effect on the reproductive system, has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Women were especially fond of shatavari, for their ability to treat infertility, diseases of the genitourinary system.
Shatavari is a type of asparagus used in Ayurveda as a component of many medicines. The grass has properties that increase the body’s resistance to various diseases, counteract the effects of stress, and adapt a person to adverse external factors. This plant is the basis of the medical preparation “Shatavari”, prescribed for the prevention and treatment of many somatic diseases. It is of great benefit to women of any age group.
It is worth taking a little time to learn about the benefits of shatavari, its beneficial qualities, possible negative effects, the possibility of taking during pregnancy and feeding a child.
Indications for the use of shatavari
Considering the physiological action of shatavari, one should highlight its effect on the sex glands that secrete hormones. Under the action of the drug, the production of progesterone and the conversion of estradiol to estrol are activated. Such properties prevent the formation of diseases of the female urogenital area. For the best therapeutic effect, it is recommended to combine shatavari with ashwagandha.
Men can take this herbal remedy for sexual disorders, despite the fact that it is considered predominantly female. Prostatic hypertrophy in men in old age is due to a high concentration of dihydrosterone. Shatavari not only prevents this process, but also eliminates inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs, helps with spermatorrhea and infertility.
A wide spectrum of action allows the use of shatavari in the following conditions:
Painful periods, PMS.
Symptoms characteristic of menopause.
Violation of the menstrual cycle, lack of menstruation.
Infectious, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.
Bleeding of various etiologies.
Hormonal disorders leading to the development of hormone-dependent diseases.
Decreased sex drive in women and men.
Condition after removal of the uterus.
Milk deficiency during lactation.
Anemia, decreased protective functions of the body, general, nervous exhaustion.
Diseases of the skin.
Diseases of the digestive system – ulcers, colitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids.
Visual disturbances.
Diseases of the urinary system.
Cardiovascular disorders.
Difficulties in conceiving, bearing a child.
Male infertility.
Shatavari for infertility
Female infertility is a serious problem faced by many couples. Hormonal disorders, weakness of the body, high levels of acidity in the genital tract – all these are reasons that can prevent conception. Taking shatavari increases the likelihood of pregnancy and promotes successful childbearing.
In the presence of serious somatic diseases that impede conception, you should be observed by your doctor. In such cases, shatavari cannot act as the main therapeutic agent. It should be perceived as part of a comprehensive solution to the main problem.
Can Shatavari be taken during pregnancy and lactation?
Ayurveda experts define pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding as indications for taking shatavari. The restructuring of the entire female body, sharp hormonal fluctuations during these periods provoke the occurrence of unpleasant side effects:
emotional swings;
general malaise;
complications during childbearing.
Doctors who observe women who take shatavari note positive changes. This is due to the fact that the natural composition of the drug has a beneficial effect on the mother and child, it is completely safe.
Breastfeeding a baby is also an indication for taking shatavari. It is especially important to use the drug with a lack of milk, which can also be caused by hormonal changes. The natural preparation contributes to the active production of milk, enriches it with nutrients. All components of the herbal remedy are important for the health of the baby, contribute to its full development. Shatavari helps to increase the duration of the breastfeeding period without the use of complementary foods or artificial substitutes.
5 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Shatavari
Multiple medical studies have proven the beneficial properties of shatavari:
Stimulation of reproductive function in women, treatment of diseases that cause difficulties in conception. Review of studies published in 2018 in the journal Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy [1], suggests that the herb may improve conditions such as hormonal imbalances and PCOS.
Ease the menopause. The use of the drug for three weeks reduces the number of hot flashes, eliminates night sweats. This was proven in a 2018 small-scale study. [2].
Removal of free radicals from the body, pronounced antioxidant effect. Evidence for this came from a 2018 study in mice. [3].
Antidepressant action to reduce anxiety – proven in a 2014 study [4], published in the journal Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. The drug binds to serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid, which are responsible for causing feelings of anxiety.
Assistance in the synthesis of lactogen – a component that ensures normal lactation. Review of research published in 2016 in The Ochsner Journal [5].
Research on the impact of shatavari on the body of mother and child during gestation and feeding continues. Before you start taking the drug, you should consult with your doctor.
Shatavari is considered to be one of the valuable means of Indian Ayurveda, but, like any active substance, it cannot be completely harmless. There are a number of conditions in which the herbal preparation is contraindicated:
Gynecological diseases provoked by an excessive content of sex hormones. Taking shatavari can exacerbate hormonal disorders, as it contains phytoestrogens.
Deficiency of enzymes that break down food, severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Hypersensitivity to the drug.
The presence of a fungal infection of any localization. The tool can activate the spread of fungal infections.
Mastopathy of an estrogenic nature.
Severe kidney disease.
Long-term use of the drug. Excessive passion for shatavari can cause constipation, digestive disorders.