sharplanin shepherd dog
One of the rarest dog breeds in the world, the Sharplanin Shepherd Dog is a reliable helper and loyal friend, a large animal from the Yugoslav mountain pastures, capable of becoming a protector for the smallest family members and a real threat even to a bear.

History of origin

There are several versions of the appearance of these powerful shaggy dogs on the Balkan pastures in the regions of the Shar-Planina, Ships and Bistra mountains. One of the legends says that the formidable helpers of man came to the Balkan Peninsula from Asia along with the troops of the great Alexander the Great, who returned to their homeland in Macedonia. Here the dogs settled down and became a support for the local sheep herders. According to another legend, the Sharplanin shepherd dogs were bred by a local hunter, taking pity on two orphaned wolf cubs. He tamed them, and when the wolves grew up, he crossed them with local domestic dogs. Their descendants became the first dogs in history – Sharplanin Shepherd Dogs. Whether wolves were the progenitors of the Sharplanins is not known, but archaeological research has proven that the ancestors of the modern Sharplanins have lived in the Balkan highlands since ancient times. And, according to medieval chronicles, during the conquests of the Balkans by Turkey and Austria-Hungary, local residents saved not only their families from the invaders, but also their dogs, without which they could not imagine life. For centuries, the Sharplanin shepherd dogs helped them graze sheep herds, turning into one of the most amazing and rare dogs, as they lived apart in one region and did not mix with other breeds.

In 1939, this breed was first registered with the International Cynological Federation under the name “Illyrian Shepherd”. The Illyrians were a nomadic people who lived on the territory of modern Macedonia and Serbia from the 1957nd century BC. In the descriptions of ancient Roman historians, there is a mention that the Illyrians had large shaggy dogs. By the end of World War II, there were very few of these dogs left, so the first kennels for breeding sheepdogs began to open in Serbia and Macedonia. In 1969, the Sharplanin dogs received a new name – the Yugoslav Shepherd Dog or the Sharplanin. And already in XNUMX, the breed was registered in the International Cynological Association as a Sharplanin Shepherd Dog.

The Sharplanin shepherd dog not only appeared on the Macedonian coin, in denomination of 1 dinar, but was also recognized as a national value. Rare dogs were prohibited from being exported outside of Yugoslavia until 1970.

Breed description

Sharplanin shepherd dogs have a strong body with well-developed muscles – try to run through the fields, driving sheep, without powerful high paws, fight a wolf without strong jaws. The proportional massive body is crowned by a large round head with a wedge-shaped muzzle. The high-set, triangular ears hang close to the skull, tips pointing forward. Sharplanin eyes are similar to olives – almond-shaped, brown (from yellowish to dark brown). Crescent-shaped tail, thick at the base, tapering towards the end. The coat is dense, of medium length, lush on the tail, hind legs and middle of the abdomen. Almost any even color is allowed – from pale gray to almost black, but the muzzle of a shepherd dog is always much darker.



The Sharplanin Sheepdog is considered a symbol of fidelity. And it is not just words. Dogs love all family members, even pets that live next to them, but they serve one person – their owner, who is chosen from early childhood. These formidable shepherd dogs can be a model of tenderness, especially with children, and are ready to give their lives for their loved ones. At the same time, Sharplanins are very freedom-loving and independent dogs – in their homeland, Macedonia and Serbia, these dogs are never put on a collar, knowing that the shepherd dog will consciously listen to a loved one, becoming his helper and companion, and not a slave. This is the most devoted and loyal friend, not without reason, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic presented President Vladimir Putin in January 2019 with a Sharplanin shepherd puppy named Pasha, as a symbol of friendship between our peoples.

Care and maintenance

– Dogs of the Sharplanin Shepherd Dog breed are good because for many years this breed was developed locally, consolidating only working qualities, choosing the best of the best, and the dogs are not spoiled by improper breeding, – the well-known cynologist Ilya Firsov, judge for working qualities and sports, until 2016 – head of the department for training cynologists and training service dogs of the Zonal Center for Canine Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Our Country for the city of Moscow. – I do not recommend keeping these shepherd and guard dogs in city apartments. An ideal habitat for them can be a country or village house with a large yard area or a spacious aviary. And ideally, a farm – the Sharplanin Shepherd Dog needs a “job”: to protect the territory, to protect the owners or their animals. Then the Sharplanin shepherd dog can turn on its working qualities and fulfill the mission inherent in it genetically – to graze and protect.

But if you still decide to settle the Sharplanian at home, then you will have to walk it twice a day, and the walks should be long – at least 1,5 hours.

The beautiful thick coat of the Sharplanian requires special care. Without combing at least once a week, it can fall into unaesthetic tangles. And during the molting period, shepherd dogs need to be combed out every two to three days. They bathe the Sharplanin shepherd dog once a year – more often it is not required, since the coat of these dogs is able to repel moisture and dirt on its own.

Particular attention should be paid to the ears of shepherd dogs – once every two weeks, excess sulfur should be removed with a damp cloth. The teeth of the Sharplanin Shepherd Dog are strong and strong and do not require additional care, but to remove tartar, dogs need to be regularly given dental treats from veins and cartilage to gnaw. Large Sharplanin shepherd dogs should receive enough food.

Industrial food should be specialized – designed for large dogs. If the owner decided to feed the shepherd with natural food, then half of her diet should be meat, a quarter – vegetables and cereals, the rest – dairy products. It is recommended to feed the dog twice a day, one serving should weigh – 1,5 – 2 kg.

Education and training

If the rest of the shepherd dogs are divided either into guards or shepherds, then the Sharplanin shepherd dogs are able to combine both “professions”, which indicates their high intelligence and ability to learn.

“Choosing a Sharplanin shepherd dog as a friend and companion, the owner must understand that from the first days the puppy needs to be made clear that the person dominates in their relationship, that he is the main one,” explains dog handler Ilya Firsov. – And it is also important to raise a puppy so that he treats a person and members of his family without aggression.

Sharplanin shepherd dogs are late maturing dogs. Physically, they become adults at 2,5 years old, and psychologically – only at four. And all this time the owner will have to deal with their upbringing. First you need to win the trust of the dog – it is on it, and not on submission, that the Sharplanins build their relationships. And then to accustom a naturally distrustful dog to life in society.

“The socialization of the Sharplanin Shepherd Dog is a very important moment in its upbringing,” continues the cynologist Ilya Firsov. – You need to walk a lot with the dog, teach it not to react to external stimuli. Distrustfulness is in the character of the Sharplanins, therefore it is important that she reacts calmly to other people, without aggression. But, if the Sharplanin shepherd dog recognized you as its owner, then you and your family will not find a more devoted friend and protector.

Health and disease

Over the centuries spent on the Balkan mountain pastures, the dogs of the Sharplanin shepherd developed good immunity, became hardy, able to survive in any weather conditions. But, if shepherd dogs do not receive enough physical activity, they may suffer from obesity, so each owner must ensure that the pet runs enough during the day.

Like most large guard breeds, the Sharplanin suffers from joint dysplasia. In the diet of dogs should be enough foods high in calcium, as well as cartilage and tendons, useful for joints. Ideally, the daily diet should be supplemented with vitamin supplements.

Eye diseases – glaucoma, cataracts – are not rare in Sharplanin shepherd dogs. The owners need to carefully monitor the condition of the eyes – inspect from after each walk, remove specks and particles of wool, wipe with a napkin dipped in tea leaves.

But in general, Sharplanin shepherd dogs are healthy and unpretentious creatures, with a strong physique and a gentle soul.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about keeping and sharplan shepherd dogs with zoo engineer, veterinarian Anastasia Kalinina.

Can a Sharplan Sheepdog get along with a cat?

If they grew up together, then yes. Well, a working dog in the mountains hardly communicated with cats. On the other hand, the owner’s kindness is a taboo for such dogs, so the dog will not touch his cat. But strangers out of boredom can drive.

How does the Sharplane Shepherd Dog react to other dogs?

It is necessary to accustom to other people’s dogs, because this is a serious breed with protective qualities – they also protect the herd from wild dogs. That is, for her, her dogs are those with whom she lives and guards the herd. The rest are enemies.

Is it possible to keep a sharplan shepherd dog on the street for permanent residence?

Most often they are kept in open-air cages on the street. In an apartment, of course, you can, but an aviary is preferable.

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