Sharp and blunt shifts. A new idea of ​​the Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund

The Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund want to introduce two types of hospital shifts: acute and blunt. This solution would reduce costs and improve the staffing situation. The head of the National Health Fund believes that the readiness of all departments with a full medical staff is not essential. In some cases, the so-called one doctor is enough instead of the entire team.

The idea of ​​introducing two types of on-call duty would allow for considerable financial savings. It could also be a good solution in the event of large staff shortages. The new solution assumes that not all hospitals would be on duty at the same time. Some establishments would have blunt shifts during which only part of the staff would work. The entire team would be present during the emergency services.

The President of the National Health Fund, Andrzej Jacyna, in an interview with RMF FM reporter Mariusz Piekarski explained that there is no need for all hospitals to be on duty. As he admitted, there are over 30 operating theaters in Warsaw alone. There is absolutely no need for everyone on call. It is more important to reduce costs and improve the staffing situation. There is a shortage of doctors, in particular treatment specialists and anaesthesiologists. A new idea with tight and blunt shifts could positively affect the efficiency of the institutions’ work and solve the problem of the lack of specialists.

Study based on RMF24:,nId,2632180

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