Shank – this is what part of the pig (pork carcass)

Pork knuckle is a truly “multifunctional” and, importantly, inexpensive product that is loved and cooked with pleasure in most European countries. It is boiled, smoked, stewed, baked in the oven or on the grill. If you choose and cook the shank correctly, then the output is guaranteed to be a surprisingly tasty, tender and mouth-watering dish.

Where is the knuckle of a pig

The knuckle is the part of the pork carcass, which is located between the thigh or shoulder blade and the knee joint. There are two types: front and back. It directly depends on the type chosen whether the intended dish succeeds, since they differ in the quality and structure of the meat.

The front knuckle is tastier, it has less tendons, a thinner fat layer, and during cooking it releases more juice. Ideal for preparing all kinds of second courses.

Advice! The rear knuckle can be distinguished from the front by a protruding knee joint.

When buying pork, you need to clearly know the location of each part of the carcass, what grade it belongs to and what it is used for.

Shank - this is what part of the pig (pork carcass)

Meat is divided into varieties according to the following principle:

  • the first grade – the most nutritious, tasty and tender meat – carbonate, back ham, loin, neck;
  • second grade – front ham brisket;
  • third grade – peritoneum;
  • fourth grade – legs (including the knuckle) and head; these parts of the pig carcass can be boiled, smoked and baked, they make a wonderful jellied meat.

Quality of meat

The taste of any dish is determined by the quality of the raw materials. Therefore, before cooking a pork knuckle, you need to know how to choose it.

There are several general rules:

  • impeccable appearance: the skin of the shank is light, without bruises, dark spots, visible damage;
  • elasticity: when buying pork, you need to press it with your finger, fresh meat will quickly return to its original shape; if the dent is filled with a reddish liquid, then, most likely, this product has been repeatedly defrosted;
  • freshness: good meat has a pinkish color, it is slightly moist, in no case sticky; the fat is white, dense, does not stick to the hands, does not smear;
  • smell: no foreign, and even more unpleasant, pungent smell, the knuckle should not emit;
  • cut: on a well-laid piece, a dense, brownish crust forms, and the surface of the pork is dry and windy even at first glance.

Shank - this is what part of the pig (pork carcass)

Fresh pork is always tastier than frozen, but sometimes you have to use it too. Frozen shank must thaw slowly, otherwise it will become dry. The juice released during defrosting can be used for sauce. After the meat has thawed it should be used. Putting it in the refrigerator again is not recommended.

Warning! Unusually bright, too red color of meat or fat, indicates that it was treated with potassium permanganate.

What can be cooked from pork knuckle (without recipes)

Pork knuckle dishes are not only the well-known icebain or boar’s hoof. In fact, there are a lot of variations on its theme.

The knuckle of a pig is the upper, most fleshy part of the leg, everything that is below the knee joint is the legs, suitable only for jelly.

So, what else can be prepared on the basis of this part of the pork carcass: broths for first courses, rolls with various fillings, classic jellied meat, fake ham that is not inferior in taste to the real one; stew that melts in your mouth.

The knuckle stuffed with garlic and baked in the oven or boiled with spices is very tasty. Pork prepared in this way can be served hot as a separate meal or cold as an appetizer.

Shank - this is what part of the pig (pork carcass)

In nature, it will successfully replace or complement the barbecue if you bake it on the grill. Before this, the meat must be boiled. A marinade made from a mixture of soy sauce, cherry juice and finely chopped chili peppers will give it a special piquancy. As a side dish, any vegetables, sauerkraut are suitable. All that remains is to come up with some interesting sauces and take care of dishes with a lid so that the “straight from the fire” knuckle does not cool too quickly.

Important! Pork knuckle is a “full-weight” product in terms of calories, in which there is a lot of fat, so you should not get too carried away with it.

A little about spices. Mixes are considered classic, which include marjoram and juniper, nutmeg and dried garlic, rosemary, red pepper.

A few culinary tricks:

  • when baking, you need to make deep cuts on the skin of the shank, then it will turn out tasty and ruddy; in the container where it will be prepared, in addition to a small amount of water, pour 1-2 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • The stewed shank will acquire special juiciness if a little pomegranate juice or vinegar is added to the dishes where it is cooked;
  • before smoking or baking, the shank must be boiled, previously rubbed with marjoram and rosemary and wrapped in cling film; it will become surprisingly fragrant and tender;
  • tough meat will become more tender if rubbed with dry mustard overnight and left; rinse thoroughly under running cold water before cooking;
  • pork requires careful cooking; You can check the readiness of the meat by piercing it with a knife, if light juice starts to flow out, the pork is ready.


Pork knuckle is a real find for the hostess, because it is a product for the preparation of which there are many ways. In addition, pork benefits as one of the diet’s most important sources of protein. In addition, it contains potassium, calcium, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. Properly cooked knuckle is not only a delicious taste, but also good for the body.

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