Shanghai is fed up with a lockdown. In the streets, riots, people fight and beg for food
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Hungry and locked in their homes, the inhabitants of Shanghai are becoming more and more aware of their dramatic situation. They express their rage loudly on social media. The harsh “zero covid” policy is not bringing the expected results – last Friday, a record 21 jobs were recorded. infections.

  1. Instead of improving, the situation in Shanghai is getting worse
  2. The severe lockdown imposed on the city does not bring the expected results, because the number of infections is breaking new records
  3. The restrictions are driving the city’s inhabitants to rage, as shown by subsequent videos published on social networks. In one of them, a man locked in his house shouts “We are starving!”
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Lockdown in Shanghai. “People can’t last longer”

“After 7 days of city blockade, the people of Shanghai are screaming from the windows of their apartments” – a video showing skyscrapers full of despairing residents was posted today on Twitter.

«The narrator of the film is afraid of problems, says people won’t last longer»- explains Eric Feigl-Ding, a Chinese epidemiologist who published the video and translates the Shanghai dialect that is heard on the recording. “If it takes longer, the shit will eventually fall into the fan,” she says. Feigl-Ding also translates the words that appear on the recording as “requests for death”.

The stay-at-home order introduced by Chinese authorities in Shanghai was supposed to be a tool to curb the COVID-19 epidemic.

Leaving the house is impossible, and replenishing food and water supplies is the responsibility of the military and medical services. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that supplying the inhabitants of a city of 26 million with this mode is not an easy thing. Difficult access to food causes a growing wave of frustration and riots – more and more videos of people fighting for food and access to stores appear on social media.

Many residents take to the streets to protest against the restrictions.

In one of the films you can see of the inhabitant shouting from the window “we are starving when we get food?”.

Mass testing and a wave of asymptomatic cases

The number of infections is increasing here day by day. The fact is further complicated by the fact that as much as 97 percent. cases are asymptomatic.

Massive tests are carried out in the city and many asymptomatic cases are detected – he explained in an interview with the Reutrers agency. As he added, this situation is also influenced by the high vaccination rate (almost 90% of the population). In people vaccinated, COVID-19 is usually so mild that it can be considered asymptomatic.

Shanghai officials decided to impose a severe lockdown last week after the number of people infected began to rise dramatically. Although the city’s closure is constantly being extended and the authorities are testing residents en masse, the number of cases is increasing day by day. Only last Friday there was a record 21 thousand. infections.

Children separated from their parents

According to the rules prevailing in Shanghai, people with a positive test result are forcibly confined to isolation rooms. This situation causes horror among parents who are afraid of separation from their children. Although the authorities offer assistance during this time, “temporary carers” or stay in special centers, but this does not reassure parents.

  1. Coronavirus is rampant in China. In Shanghai, parents fear separation from their children

The situation in Shanghai is constantly monitored and reported by a Polish woman, Weronika Truszczyńska, who lives there.

Shanghai is divided into zones

On March 29, Chinese authorities decided to shut down Shanghai. The day before, there were 3 thousand. 450 cases of coronavirus infection, which accounted for 70 percent. all cases in China.

  1. Shanghai fights coronavirus back. It was closed and divided into zones

The city was divided into two zones: lockdown on the right bank of Huangpu, including in the modern Pudong business center, was to last until the end of March. The areas on the left bank of the river were originally to be closed on April 1 to 5. The locks of both parts have been extended.

Read also:

  1. The Chinese were furious with the restrictions. «Companies want us to vaccinate»
  2. Why did COVID-19 attack China again? There are two main reasons
  3. The coronavirus has returned to China. First COVID-19 deaths in over a year

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