For some reason, there is an opinion that flower beds should be located in well-lit places. But it does not always work out, and this is not at all bad, because there are a huge number of ornamental plants that grow well in the shade. Blooming shade-loving perennials often escape the attention of summer residents, they are remembered only out of necessity when it is necessary to organize a flower garden in a shaded corner of the garden.
Perennials by seasons with a description
Perennial ornamental plants, blooming or pleasing to the eye only with their foliage, are the basis of most garden flower beds. The main purpose of the dacha and the garden is to grow fruits, and most of the owners do this, there is little space and time left for flowers or ornamental shrubs. Therefore, it is better to plant plants that grow more and more from year to year, and they need to be planted once every three or five years.
Once planting them in a flower bed, you can not worry about the annual design of the flower bed, planting new plants. If there is time and desire, you can always revive the flower garden with annuals, but if there was no time, it will still look beautiful thanks to overwintered perennials. And they winter most often without problems, without effort on the part of the owners.
To decorate the dacha, unpretentious herbs, climbing plants, flowers, and shrubs are most often used. All flowering plants can be divided into large groups according to the time of flowering. There are early bloomers that start the garden flowering season as early as May. Plants that bloom in June-July pick up the baton, others continue, which delight the eye from August until the very cold. But the most beloved among summer residents are those that bloom throughout the warm season. Phloxes, which grow in almost every garden, should be mentioned among them.
There is an opinion that even if all the flowers suddenly disappear, and only phloxes remain, they will be able to provide the garden with bright colors and a wonderful aroma from June to September. Phlox love sunny areas, but can grow in partial shade. In shaded flower beds, they bloom longer, but not as luxuriantly as in the sun.
They are undemanding to the soil, but prefer light, loose, nutritious. They love moisture, but do not tolerate stagnant water at the level of their roots, and this is a depth of up to 15 cm. Perennial phloxes are propagated by seeds, cuttings, autumn (summer too) shoots, dividing the bush. Most often they are seated, dividing the bush, in early spring or autumn, after the autumn planting, the stems are shortened by a third. The bushes hibernate well under the snow cover, if there is no snow, then you need to cover it, otherwise the roots may freeze out.
Garden roses also bloom all summer. Usually people love roses, but those who already grow them know that they take time and trouble. Young roses can freeze in winter, they are prone to disease, capricious. There are few shade-tolerant varieties among them. But you can choose zoned varieties that will grow in your area without much difficulty. Park roses are often planted near fences or buildings; modern Dutch varieties are unpretentious and winter well.
Those who want to see flowering plants in spring grow tulips, daffodils, primroses, crocuses, irises in their garden. Tulips grow well on neutral or slightly alkaline sandy loam soil, it is better to prepare heavy soil by adding sawdust or river sand. It should be planted in autumn, when the temperature at a depth of 10 – 12 cm drops to + 10, this will be approximately in the middle of September. In 3 to 4 weeks, the plant will take root, after which frosts will no longer be able to affect its growth next spring. Most varieties are photophilous, but can grow in the shade.
But crocuses are quite shade-tolerant, they grow well in the shade of trees and shrubs. White, blue, yellow, lilac – they can bloom as early as April. These bulbous perennials are not capricious, tolerate winter well, and do not cause concern to gardeners.
Primroses do not like direct sunlight, bloom in early spring, prefer temperatures no higher than + 12, when the temperature rises, they drop flowers. Many varieties bloom again when temperatures drop again. They love moisture.
Irises are considered sun-loving plants, but they bloom wonderfully in the shade. Unpretentious, hardy, tolerate cold and drought well – ideal for busy summer residents. There are low and tall ones with large or graceful flowers; after spring flowering, a lush green bush remains all summer. The most common are blue, purple, yellow, white terry, brick and two-tone are less common.
Video “Shade tolerant garden flowers»
Video selection of names of decorative shade-tolerant flowers for growing in the garden.
June – July delight us with the greatest variety of colors in the garden, when most flowers bloom. Daisies, cornflowers, calendula, multi-colored delphiniums – eyes run wide. Majestic delphiniums are able to decorate any flower bed, they grow well in the sun and in partial shade. Propagated by cuttings, buds, root division. The best time for planting in garden beds is August – September, so that the plants can take root before frost. The bush is thinned out, breaking out weak or just extra shoots so that the remaining 3-4 give a luxurious flowering.
It is difficult to surprise someone with peonies. This convenient combination of a luxurious flower and a completely unpretentious plant is loved by all summer residents. Red, pink, white flowers with a heady sweet aroma, peonies do not tolerate shade and lowlands flooded with water, they do not like peat. Everything else does not affect their viability.
Bluebells also do not like stagnant water, they need to be planted in elevated areas, well-lit or slightly shaded, and they will delight with their flowering from June to August. Lilies bloom in July, some varieties later. This perennial belongs to shade-tolerant plants, it is not capricious, does not require special care. They like a lot of water during flowering, they do not like overheating of the soil around their roots. If there is little snow in winter, it is better to cover the lilies.
The last month of summer brings the flowering of dahlias and gladioli. Gladiolus love lots of sun and long daylight hours. They need moisture and air temperature from 10 to 25 degrees. Dahlias also love the sun, they are planted in bright flower beds sheltered from the wind with humus-rich soils with good drainage. A tall plant (up to 2,5 m) with an unimaginably diverse palette of flowering and odorless can become a decoration of the garden if grown in light or slightly shaded areas.
Exquisite chrysanthemums also love lighted places. They bloom no earlier than September, housewives often transplant flowering chrysanthemums indoors to let them bloom. In the garden, they withstand temperatures down to -7 degrees, they winter well even in Siberia (there, roots with shortened stems are covered with peat and spruce branches).
Ideas for a shady flower garden
Shade-tolerant plants are considered to be plants that easily adapt to a lack of sunlight. It is they, along with the shade-loving ones, who should make flower beds in the shady corners of the garden plot. Among them, a special place is occupied by hosts. They look great from spring and develop with little sunlight, and bloom until mid-autumn. But they are valued not even for flowers, but for the decorativeness of the bush.
Bright astilba, blooming almost all summer and autumn, will perfectly enliven any flower garden in a shaded corner of the garden. Ferns, of which there are a huge number of species, will become an indispensable main background, shading the bright flowers of periwinkle, begonias, frost-resistant petunias that can bloom in the shade. Shade-tolerant plants do not give long luxurious flowering, but they look great all season, decorating the garden with their foliage and embossed bushes.
The more valuable are the beautiful flowers of lily of the valley, bergenia, saxifrage, lungwort, foxglove and liverwort, violet and podophyllum thyroid. Doronicum (Yellow Chamomile) blooms even longer in the shade, iris and daylily will bloom long and luxuriously in partial shade, replacing each other. Creating a flower bed in a shaded place, you can plant snowdrops, hyacinths, primroses. They will bloom before the trees that shade them have leafed out. Ivy and wild grapes, if there is room to grow nearby, will give lush greenery in summer and incredible brightness in autumn.
Video “perennial garden flowers»
Video for flower growers with a selection of photos of perennial garden flowers that do not require special care.