Sh. Alyautdinov “Women and Islam”

“Can a Muslim woman use nail polish?”, “Is it permissible to learn sports dancing in a pair with an unfamiliar young man?” Modern women who want to follow the traditions of their faith have too many temptations, questions and doubts.

They are increasingly influenced by the priorities and values ​​of secular Western culture. On the other hand, they are forced to compromise by the atmosphere of society’s total distrust of devout Muslims, whose principles have been discredited by Islamic extremists. Shamil Alyautdinov, imam of the Moscow Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill, answers hundreds of questions from Muslim women about love, norms of behavior, marriage, hygiene and other very delicate subjects, openly and at the same time prudently. Sometimes categorically, sometimes calling for an independent decision, but always in strict accordance with the spirit and verses (revelations) of the Koran. The book will be useful to believers and of interest to everyone, because it outlines a reasonable way for people of different cultures to coexist and mutually respect each other in our highly integrated community.

DILYA, 320 p.

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