Sexy Voice: Woman’s Secret

Incredibly seductive and at the same time honest. Or a powerful and a little dangerous – a magical voice. Do I have this sexy voice, does a man find in it those notes that drive you crazy and promise pleasure?

Breathe deeply, you are excited…

By tradition, for the answer to the question, I go to the training. It’s called “Sexy Voice”. To begin with, all participants are invited to take turns complimenting … a man. Before that, for some reason, each thoroughly clears her throat and checks the sound of her voice. So…

  • “When you’re around, I’m not afraid of anything”
  • “You are a very pleasant conversationalist”
  • “It turns out you’re so strong…”
  • “Next to you, I feel desired”
  • “You are so unpredictable”
  • “I didn’t know you were so determined”
  • “You have very beautiful eyes”

It turns out unexpectedly insinuating and promising. Unexpectedly – because such expressions for me are more an exception than a rule. Each phrase should sound in one breath, be pronounced softly and aspirated: aspiration promises direct access to a man’s heart. But not everyone manages to pronounce these exotic words without stumbling, to make only one semantic stress. (For example: “Grandma, why do you have such big TEETH?”)

On what balance of air and sound are you comfortable? To add airiness and breath to the voice, there is a good exercise. Holding open palms in front of you, breathe into them, as if warming your hands in the cold. Add sound to the breath little by little, but in such a way that the breath remains hot.

About musical men

A man, it turns out, is so musical that he perceives, first of all, our intonation, tempo and tone. If they enchanted him, he is already yours. After that, a normal dialogue is possible. How to talk to him? – Listen to what he says. If slowly and thoughtfully, looking out the window, you also speak in the same manner, and he will feel as if he has known you for a hundred years.

It is also important not to rush and not to part. As one of the visitors to the center complained: “They accuse me of not listening, but she speaks at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, I don’t have time and just “turn off the sound”! I would be glad to be attentive if she spoke a little more slowly.”

But that’s not all. We vaguely feel some kind of magic here. Somewhere in the depths of our souls, we hoped that we would come out of the training with a different, new voice, one that awakens desire and pushes us to frenzy – we just didn’t know where we had it, this sexy voice. Somehow it didn’t happen to speak to a man like this in a drawling voice, with a hoarse voice: “I didn’t know that you were so decisive …”

Then I’ll figure it out on my own.

What do men hear in our voice?

The sexy voice is low, slightly hoarse, as if you just woke up, it suggests a bedroom, twilight and sexual dreams. Men are attracted to a voice rich in intonations, deep and comforting. Pampering and baby talk are not included here.

As they say, whose attractiveness is beyond doubt? The sexiest celebrity voices sound like they’re in control, experienced, and in control.

Scarlett Johansson has a chesty voice, incredibly seductive and at the same time honest.

Michelle Pfeiffer is all about breathing here. She speaks easily, with the confidence that she doesn’t need to rush anywhere. She speaks the words at her own pace, letting each word fall as it matures, breathing it out with a noisy sigh that shows her excitement.

There is danger in Angelina Jolie’s voice. He sounds a little cheeky, with a touch of smugness. But somewhere in the depths, not on the surface, there are some dark and mysterious overtones. A hint of danger, a promise of adventure.

Some like it hot: Marilyn Monroe’s sexy voice

Insinuating, low, captivating. Gentle, melodic. Cooing, deep, enticing. A sexy voice is sure to contain intrigue. A gentle young voice, inexperienced and pure, which you want to take care of and show its owner all the beautiful things in the world. Well, of course, it’s about Marilyn Monroe. Who does not remember – “I wanna be kissed by you. Dearly-Dirley-boo-boo-wee-doo!”

In jazz singing, it’s called skat, a nonsensical jumble of syllables, but when she starts to sing it’s hot.

Strange thing – I found a video with her songs (there are not many of them), then I watched them again. I was looking for a technique – sighs, pure staccato in pronouncing the sounds d and t, which acting coach Natasha Lites advised her to do; low tone and slow pace – Phil Moore advised them to get rid of stuttering.

I found incredible sincerity and freedom – and … that’s it. And I watched the video a dozen more times.

Too many images have appeared over the years of the most sexual, deliberately erotic, domineering, breathy and moaning. It turns out that a sexy voice can be like this – uncontrollably joyful, endlessly sad and just … touching.

“Don’t Worry, Worry”

Once she was asked – what needs to be done to make her voice sexy? “We need to think of something pleasant,” she replied simply.

And who to ask about men and sexuality, if not the sex symbol of Marilyn Monroe? Here you are.


“That’s the trouble – the sex symbol becomes a thing. But if it’s to be a symbol, it’s better to be a symbol of sex than anything else. I just can’t stand being a thing.”


“It should be good with a man, I can live badly myself.”


“Sex is part of nature. I am in harmony with nature.”


“A wise girl knows her limits. A smart girl knows she doesn’t have them.”


“The imperfect is beautiful, the insane is brilliant, and it is better to be funny than absolutely boring.”


“Beauty is freedom. I know that I shouldn’t be afraid. But not to be afraid would mean not to be at all. I love doing things that won’t get censored.”


“A good kiss is worth another one.”


“Don’t worry, worry.”


“Everyone knows that “what the hell” is always the right decision.”


“I was called “sex-blond”, “sex-bomb” … I know one thing: beauty and femininity have no age, and these qualities cannot be created. Women’s charms cannot be produced industrially, no matter how much someone would like it. I mean true beauty. She is engendered by femininity. Female attractiveness is only strong when it is natural and spontaneous.


“Run away if you want to be loved.”


“Hollywood is where you get paid a thousand dollars for a kiss and 50 cents for your soul. I know this because I have declined the first repeatedly and held out my hand for fifty cents.”


“It’s just that there’s a rule in every game I play – get up and leave if you’re not interested anymore…”

… How to sing in such a way that everyone forgets about a very revealing outfit and listens to the soul? Listen to Marilyn Monroe sing River of No Return.

Her voice, deep and sad, is not adorned with any coquetry, there is not a hint of vulgarity and desire to please you. And he’s incredibly sexy.

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