Sexy fit mother, don’t overdo it! [comment]

I understand women who do not want to look pregnant that if they were sunbathing on a beach in a gray bikini, an absent-minded Greenpeace volunteer could push them into the water. The problem is that pregnant girls in pursuit of a skinny body have already crossed the dangerous red, fit-mother line. Stretch of the rectus abdominis muscle, loss of milk in the breasts, anorexia of pregnant women are no longer an imaginary problem. Gynecologists sound the alarm – more and more girls are getting hold of it.

Body worship is and will be. Unfortunately, the pressure to have a perfect body is mainly placed on women. Those who despise it are seen more as lazy or gluttons than as sophisticated hedonistic intellectuals.

While watching sexy bodies on the Internet, each of us can choose – to envy, laugh and even hate. The problem is that pregnant women and those who have just given birth are under particularly strong pressure to look great.

Instagram is full of sexy fit-moms, their blogs are born as numerous as if they were motivated by a virtual 500 plus. They publish videos in which they encourage Polish pregnant women and young mothers on the other side of the smartphone and computer screen to train together.

Of course, exercise during pregnancy makes it easier for her to get through, and also increases the chance of a lighter, faster birth. And performed in the postpartum period, they accelerate the contraction of the uterus, restore the tone of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, and facilitate the return to the pre-pregnancy form.

There is one “but”: girls, start exercising after prior consultation with a midwife, physiotherapist, doctor.

The puerperium lasts six to twelve weeks (after cesarean).

You should be careful during this time. Medicine is developing, care for a pregnant woman is getting better. Today, we rarely die when we give advice, and there are fewer complications in pregnancy and puerperium, which were a nightmare years ago. And yet: doctors today see an increase in new problems. These are: rectus abdominal muscle stretch caused by too intense exercise during pregnancy and after childbirth, loss of milk in nursing mothers – due to strenuous exercise and starvation of mothers for fear of gaining weight, psychiatrists more and more often talk about pregnant anorexia.

These problems will not be saved by the progress of medicine, better childbirth care, or the best gynecologist and midwife. Girls, each of us fit mothers must protect themselves against this. For myself and for our children.

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