Sexuality of people with autism. From childhood to adulthood.

(Autism. (S) exuality. (Dilemmas. From childhood to adulthood. From psychoeducation to relationship building – under this slogan, it will be held on November 14-15, 2015 in Warsaw, in the auditorium of the Medical University of Warsaw at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 61, the first training conference in Poland devoted to the topic of sexuality of people with autism spectrum disorders. The organizer of the conference is the SYNAPSIS Foundation, which has been changing the world for people with autism for 25 years.

During the first conference of this type in Poland, the organizers want to lead the sexuality of people with ASD out of the shadows – name, see, discuss, share experience, discuss – We invite specialists and professionals working with people with autism of all ages, but also people with autism and Asperger syndrome, and their partners, parents and everyone interested in the subject of building to participate in the conference intimate relationships in the context of problems resulting from autism spectrum disorders – says Joanna Grochowska, vice president of the SYNAPSIS Foundation.

The special guest who will give a lecture on the first day of the conference is an outstanding specialist in the field of sexology of people on the autism spectrum – Dr. Isabelle Henault from the University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada. The main areas of her professional work are diagnosis, education and therapy in the area of ​​sexuality of people with ASD. On a daily basis, he cooperates with, among others with Tony Attwood. She is the author of many excellent publications on the sexuality of people with ASD.

On the second day, the lecture will be given by: Dr n. Hum. Izabela Fornalik – special pedagogue and sex educator, lecturer, member of the Polish Sexological Society, and Jerzy Dobrotko – special educator, sensory integration therapist, graduate of the Postgraduate Psychological Assistance Study in the field of Sexology. The lecture by Dr. Peter Schmidt, an adult man with Asperger’s syndrome and the author of the best-selling book “Cactus for Valentine’s Day”, also promises to be very interesting.

Participation in the conference should be reported on the website (in the registration tab). For applications made by bank transfer by September 15, the participation fee is 420 zł (for specialists) or 340 zł (for people with autism or Asperger’s syndrome, their parents / guardians and students). After September 15, the participation fee will be PLN 450, respectively (for specialists) and 370 zł (for people with autism or Asperger’s syndrome, their parents / guardians and students).

Media Partners: Polish Radio RDC, Practical Medicine,, MedTvoiLokony

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