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Perfect knowledge of the Hindu Kama Sutra and above-average body flexibility are not needed to achieve sexual satisfaction. Sometimes it is enough to choose a properly selected sexual position that will satisfy both sides. Some positions allow for extremely deep penetration, others provide comfort and closeness to both partners, or additional stimulation that increases the chance of achieving orgasm.
Sexual Positions – Role in Sex
Sexual positions aren’t that important in sex. Choosing the most interesting position alone will not make sex successful. However, it is not worth ignoring the topic completely, because it is the easiest way to diversify your intercourse.
Sexual positions inspire enormous amounts of passion in lovers. Many people even think that they testify to the quality of sex and the skills of the lovers themselves. It turns out, however, that, for example, for some women, sexual positions are a way to hide the flaws of the figure, which during intercourse are completely irrelevant to most men.
Sexual Positions – Kamasutra
The sexual positions depicted in the Kama Sutra are often a complete abstraction and without special preparation it would be difficult to perform them. Therefore, we will not use most of them in our bedroom. It is worth noting, however, that both women and men have been divided in terms of the size of their sexual organs, which would be unacceptable nowadays.
Therefore, we find in it sexual positions suitable for women with a deep vagina, in a situation where she has intercourse with a man with a large and with a man with a small penis. Sexual positions are also appropriately designed to take into account female erogenous spheres, such as G-spot stimulation, so it often turns out that the knowledge contained in this book is surprisingly up-to-date.
Sexual positions in the Kama Sutra are divided into three categories depending on the body alignment of the lovers:
- the man on top (the so-called missionary) – missionary position this is by far the easiest and most popular sexual position in which the woman is lying on her back with her legs spread and the man is lying on it. It allows partners to hug, kiss, look each other in the eye and observe orgasm, as well as deep penetration. For many people, it is simply boring and shows the lack of imagination of lovers. Remember, however, that this position offers great opportunities. It is very easy to reach orgasm in this position and it is also easy to modify it. Its undeniable advantages also include the possibility of introducing various modifications. If a woman rests her straightened legs on the man’s shoulders, the thrusts will be deeper and the back wall of the vagina more stimulated. Another variation is to put a pillow under the woman’s buttocks – if her hips are slightly higher, it will be easier for a man to hit the G-spot.
- woman on the mountain (amazon) – the woman astride the man. Thanks to this, she in this position has full control over frictional movements. Importantly, it is deeply and strongly penetrated by the partner. It can also make lateral and forward pelvic movements, which greatly enhances the quality of the penetration sensation. This item can be freely modified and varied. Regardless of the form, a man can easily stimulate both the G-spot and the vaginal walls. The woman has control over the depth of penetration, so regardless of the size of the penis, it is also a good position for men. We should also remember that this position requires no effort on the part of the man;
- lovers lying side by side (parallel positions) – the parallel position of the bodies is most convenient for people with a large difference in body size. Although such a position does not provide great opportunities for movement or stimulation, for many people it is an interesting solution. Arrangement on the so-called “Scissors” enables long sex and is therefore an excellent position for men who have problems with premature ejaculation;
- back positions (so-called doggy style) – back positions are shown separately. Among these suggestions, it is easy to see that the active page is always on top. This position seemingly does not give you a lot of room to show off, but remember that it is very pleasant for a woman, regardless of the size of the penis. Doggy position allows for deep penetration, reaching the G-spot as well as stimulation of the breast or clitoris by the lover. For men, it provides visual sensations and the ability to control the pace. The doggy-style position (from the back) allows for a more exciting experience at the expense of limited eye contact. It should also be remembered that their bodies are also hardly in contact. It will work for men who like dominance and classic, straight positions. Position from the rear it is also suitable for anal sex. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that, therefore, a woman can also be behind and penetrate a man anally. Such a sexual position, however, requires proper preparation and purchase, for example, a dildos.
In the case of penetration from the rear, proper hydration is important. In order to obtain it, you can reach for the Back Door Pjur anal lubricant with hyaluronic acid or the Soothe Intimate Earth antibacterial anal lubricant. Water-based products such as Analyze me comfort lubricant are safe for condoms.
Each of the sexual positions described in the Kama Sutra has advantages and disadvantages. Their main goal is to give each other maximum pleasure. In each of these positions, one should look for closeness and intimacy, or stimulate specific erogenous spheres of a woman. So let’s find the most convenient one for us. When choosing the right position, you should also take into account our health and, for example, weight.
So let’s remember that sexual positions are a great way to diversify sex and eliminate boredom in the bedroom. They allow you to discover your body anew, teach you new ways to stimulate and caress.
When looking for pleasure in sex, it is worth freely modifying the four types of sexual positions listed above to derive maximum pleasure from them. Let us take the Kama Sutra as inspiration. Before we move on to the implementation of the most sophisticated positions, it is worth “practicing” them dry to make sure that aching joints or the spine will not take away all the pleasure of getting closer.
Classic sex positions They will work well for both long-term partners and those who are just starting their intercourse. These positions ensure maximum closeness, comfort and psychological comfort. They are not too complicated technical and also do not require an extremely stretched body. Even couples who are not unfamiliar with the Kamasutra are happy to return to them.
Sexual positions – dangerous positions
Sexual positions are not always a source of pleasure. It happens that sex can end up with more or less serious injuries, which can even be associated with a visit to the emergency room. Unfortunately, an overly creative approach to sex can lead to spine injuries, sprains, abrasions, and even a prolapse of the disc or fractures. What are the dangers of having sex:
- Kamasutra for athletes – knowing the sexual positions of the Kamasutra can be very useful, but it requires great flexibility of the body and fitness and excellent physical condition. If we try the Kama Sutra without preparation, we may end up with injuries or abrasions;
- breaking the penis during the rider position – this position is simple and well known to everyone. However, few people know that in the rider position, a serious injury may occur, such as a broken penis. This can happen when your partner focuses too much on her own pleasure and starts making uncoordinated hip movements. A fracture can also occur in other sexual positions where women are dominant;
- overload of the spine in a standing position – no one should be surprised that all standing positions are associated with a heavy load on the spine and muscles of the entire body. In the case of a man, during sex in this position, he may injure his back, shoulders, and even tear muscles. There are also cases of penis fractures. It is also worth noting that standing positions, for example against a wall, may end up with abrasions and bruises on a woman’s back;
- doggy position dangerous for men and women – the so-called doggy style positionas well as other positions from the rear guarantee deep penetration. It turns out, however, that it can be dangerous for both a woman and a man. The partner may suffer from joint and muscle strain, spine injuries and penis fractures. In women, having sex in this position may result in abrasions to the mucosa of the genital tract;
- sitting sex positions – this is especially true spontaneous sex. For example, sex in the kitchen can be a great pleasure for partners, but it is not free from various risks. When deciding to have sex on a hard surface, we must take into account the risk of penis breaking. A moment of inattention is enough for the penis to slip out and hit the table or tabletop.
During sex, it is worth reaching for a lubricant that will reduce friction. It can also be used with silicone erotic gadgets. We also recommend a warming lubricant with cinnamon, which was made on the basis of water and glycerin, and the caring lubricant Aqua Panthenol Pjur soothes irritations.
Also, do not forget about securing! At Medonet Market you will find condoms that suit your individual preferences. A variety of sensations will be provided by the condom mix from the SKYN Unknown Pleasures 42 condom set.
Sex Positions – Best Kama Sutra Positions
Missionary position

How to perform
It hardly needs to be explained, but nevertheless. The woman lies on her back with her legs apart, the man on top.
For a man – control over the entire process, including the depth of penetration and the frequency of frictions. For women – an opportunity to relax, entrusting the main work to a partner. For both – maximum closeness, eye contact and generally comfortable body position.
Place a pillow under your partner’s pelvis. The angle of penetration will change and there will be a little variety.
Variation 1. Sexual alignment, or CAT (coital alignment technique)

How to perform
It all starts with the classic missionary position, then the woman brings her legs together, pressing them as close as possible to her partner’s legs. As a result, the base of the penis should be on the head of the clitoris. Making sliding movements up and down, the man additionally stimulates this zone. A woman can also move to increase stimulation.
Suitable for women who have difficulty reaching orgasm. Due to strong clitoral stimulation, the problem is easily solved. The man does not get enough deep penetration, but this is compensated by friction.
Variation 2. Legs up
How to perform
The woman spreads her legs and lifts them up. There are many modifications of the posture: the legs wrap around the body of the partner, are on his shoulders or are pressed against the shoulders of the woman herself. An option for lovers of strong fixation is to tie the partner’s legs and arms.
Deep penetration and G-spot stimulation.
It requires flexibility from a woman and caution from a man, especially if ropes are used.
If a woman hangs her head out of bed, blood flow to the brain will increase and orgasm may become more intense.
Doggy style

How to perform
The woman gets on all fours. The man, on his knees, penetrates her from behind.
Even more domination for men. For women – the possibility of obtaining manual stimulation of the clitoris. Additional benefit: Suitable for anal sex.
Lack of eye and extensive body contact. In general, this pose can hardly be called too romantic. Another drawback: many women experience discomfort from strong shocks against the wall of the uterus.
Again, a pillow, which, among other things, will help a woman to take a more comfortable position.
Variation 1. Doggy style standing

How to perform
The man stands on the floor, the woman lies on the bed or other surface.
A more comfortable position for the woman and the opportunity for both to arrange a sex test in places other than the bedroom.
The standing position may not be very comfortable for a man.
Variation 2. Doggy Light

How to perform
The man is standing on the floor at the edge of the bed, the woman is on all fours. After penetration, the woman rises and remains only on her knees. The man supports her by the torso with his hand.
This variant of the doggy style involves more body contact, and also leaves room for glances and kisses. In general, it makes the traditional pose more intimate and tender.
Variation 3. Lazy doggy style

How to perform
The woman lies on her stomach, the man on top. It turns out something between doggy and missionary pose.
Comfortable position for both partners.
If a man caresses his partner’s clitoris with his hand, her orgasm is almost guaranteed.

How to perform
The man lies on his back, the woman on top.
For a woman – total control, including clitoral stimulation (due to friction of the clitoris against the partner’s pubis). For a man – an opportunity to finally relax and enjoy the beautiful view.
There is a danger of injuring your partner. If you get very carried away, you can give him a broken penis instead of an orgasm.
Variation 1. Reverse Cowgirl

How to perform
The woman sits with her back to her partner’s face. The man rises on his elbows or lies higher on the pillow. This allows the woman to bend over and lean or lean against the bed.
The classic reverse cowgirl position, where a woman simply has her back to her partner, can be uncomfortable for both. In this variation, the partner has more points of support, it is easier for her to move. That is, sex becomes more dynamic.
Lack of eye contact.
Variation 2. Rider on the back

How to perform
The woman lies with her back to the man, resting her arms and legs on the bed.
The position is suitable for anal sex. In addition, in this position, the woman is in complete control of the situation.
It requires strength and dexterity from a woman .

How to perform
Partners lie on their side. The man spreads his legs, and the woman, as it were, wraps her arms around his upper leg.
Clitoral stimulation for a woman. For both – the opportunity to try an unusual position that does not require special gymnastic skills.
There is little physical contact and maneuverability for a man.
Variation 1. Scissors + doggy style

How to perform
The woman lies in the Scissors position, the man kneels.
Deeper penetration and more control for a partner, as well as other advantages of doggy while maintaining eye contact.
A man can additionally stimulate the partner’s clitoris with his fingers or penis, periodically removing it from the vagina.
Variation 2. Scissors + reverse cowgirl

How to perform
The man lies on his back and bends one leg at the knee. The woman sits in a reverse cowgirl position, wrapping herself around her partner’s bent leg.
Double stimulation for the partner, for the partner – all the bonuses of the “Woman on Top” pose.

How to perform
A man and a woman lie on their sides. A woman can be both with her back and facing her partner.
An intimate and comfortable position for both, great for a little respite. Also convenient for having sex during pregnancy.
Deep penetration is unlikely.
A man can caress his partner’s clitoris with his fingers. In a position where she lies with her back to him, this is especially convenient. And she’s also nice.

How to perform
A man sits on a bed or on a chair. The woman sits on top.
The position is good for long sex, and for the female orgasm, as the partner can control the process. Additional advantages are the proximity of partners, the comfort of the position itself and the ability to change the pace and angle of penetration.
In the variant with a chair, the position may be uncomfortable for a partner of short stature.
Variation 1. Cradle

How to perform
Both partners are sitting on the bed, the woman wraps her legs around the body of the man.
Even more sensuality and relaxation, partners can rock together, slowly reaching orgasm.
Not enough depth and dynamics.
Variation 2. Woman lying down

How to perform
Another intermediate option between missionary and doggy style. This time the woman lies on her back and the man sits on his knees.
Both partners can control the speed and depth of penetration. A man can additionally caress his partner’s breasts and clitoris.
Variation 3. Sitting + standing

How to perform
There are almost no standing positions in the selection, because they, as a rule, are not very convenient and require increased effort from a man. But this variation simplifies the situation: a man does not need to keep a woman on weight – just put her on a table or other surface suitable for his growth.
Deep penetration and diversity that this position brings to the sexual life of partners.
With all the modifications, the posture is still not comfortable enough. If the partner does not like to stand during sex, it will not work.

How to perform
One of the partners lies on his back, the other lies on top facing the genitals.
Simultaneous oral sex and – as a logical continuation – a simultaneous orgasm.
May not be suitable for partners of different heights or those who do not accept multitasking in sex.
Variation 1. 69 on the side

How to perform
The man and woman do the same as in the classic 69 position, but lie on their side.
A more comfortable position for a partner who, in a normal situation, is on top.
Sexual positions – fertilization
Sexual positions can be more than just fun. According to some people, they can also facilitate conception. The basis is, of course, the knowledge of the woman’s ovulatory cycle in order to choose the optimal time for intercourse. The specialist usually recommends two specific sexual positions to help you get pregnant. These are:
- classic position, i.e. missionary – the missionary position is well known to every couple. If we want to get pregnant, you can additionally place something under the woman’s buttocks to gently lift the pelvis. In this sexual position, sperm has very easy access to the egg. Other benefits of a missionary position include the feeling of closeness and intimacy. The position can of course be freely modified, e.g. by wrapping your partner’s legs around your partner, resting your feet on his chest, or putting your legs on his shoulders. In addition, the position can also be transferred to a table, for example. Then the partner is standing and the woman is lying on the table;
- Knee-elbow positions – this sexual position makes it easier to get pregnant, especially for women with a backward angle of the uterus and men with low sperm quality. Men especially like this item. It consists in the fact that the woman rests on her knees and elbows, and the man enters her from behind. During intercourse, sperm accumulates in the area of the cervix, which significantly contributes to getting pregnant. These types of positions are also very pleasurable to lovers.
Additionally, after the intercourse is over, it is also recommended that the woman lies with her legs up for about 15 minutes. The legs can be leaned against the wall, and the hips can be additionally raised by placing, for example, a pillow under them. It is also important to tighten the Kegel muscle, which will make the sperm reach the egg faster. Although these positions are not guaranteed, they are worth trying.
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