Sexual life of seniors

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All that sex. The sexual life of seniors is still a taboo subject. Meanwhile, retirees also have their own sexual needs, sometimes not less than that of young people.

The disastrous state of our knowledge about the sexual needs of older people is illustrated in the “Report on Sexuality of Poles 2002”. According to him, 41% of retirees admit to having an active sex life, and 15% would like to have sex, but have no partner. Every fourth man over seventy is sexually fit! According to the statistics of sexologist Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz, most women in their XNUMXs want sex. So let’s not condemn ourselves to erotic retirement, because sex is important, necessary and healthy at every stage of life.

Sex connects seniors

Around the age of 60, the sexual needs of men and women are most closely related. The explanation is simple: aging women gain the same amount of male hormones as older men, which are female. The “chemical” similarity means that advanced age couples have a better chance of understanding and stability. Not only that – sometimes we start to consider sex attractive only at this stage of life. Then we are more physically available, because we do not have to take into account the ovulation cycle, the risk of becoming pregnant disappears. Finally, we have more time: the children who have absorbed all our attention and energy are grown up, our stressful professional life ends, we are more refreshed. You don’t have to get up in the morning to work and you can make love at any time of the day.

A way to diversify your intimate life can be erotic massages, for which it is worth using delicate oils:

  1. sensual massage oil Sensual Intimate Earth;
  2. stimulating massage oil Awake Intimate Earth;
  3. energizing massage oil Energize Intimate Earth.

In addition to classic oils, Medonet Market also offers massage candles: the herbal Senze Blissful Swede candle or the Senze Teasing Swede candle with the addition of vanilla.

Let’s love each other health

Sexologists agree: sex in the prime of life is better than more than one pill swallowed on the recommendation of a doctor. An orgasm causes the brain to release a type of protein, endorphins, which act as natural painkillers. Research conducted at Rutgers University in the USA has shown that sex and orgasm have a similar effect to pain relief as two aspirin pills. In people suffering from chronic arthritic or post-traumatic pain, symptoms disappear half an hour after intercourse! Having sex at an older age can also relieve symptoms associated with rheumatic diseases.

Regular intercourse strengthens the muscles of the whole body, then we become more flexible and resistant to fatigue. In addition, we burn almost as many calories during intercourse as during active gymnastics or jogging. Sex is therefore beneficial not only to our health, but also to our beauty.

During sexual intercourse, it is worth reaching for lubricants, e.g. Aqua Panthenol Pjur caring lubricant, which does not irritate the skin.

Male menopause

Sometimes older women complain that their partners are not willing to have sex. This decline in sexual performance in men can sometimes be quite dramatic. From the age of 30 on, the level of the male hormone testosterone drops by 1% per year. At the same time, the age of 45-60 is for approx. 30% of men a time of crisis (the so-called andropause). Gentlemen are then exposed to prolonged states of depression, decreased intellectual efficiency, irritability, emotional lability, tendency to conflict or even depression. Concentration and memory decline. During this time, the level of sex drive often lowers.

The reduction in testosterone production causes a weakening of the penis erection during intercourse, a decrease in ejaculation pressure and semen volume. Muscle strength deteriorates, and the penis more and more often refuses to obey. In such situations, show your partner understanding, do not destroy moments of intimacy with tactless comments.


• Treatment is based on the administration of testosterone, necessarily under the supervision of an endocrinologist. We should also remember that friendship, common interests and life passions as well as the understanding of a woman are just as important as the help of specialists.

• Mutual masturbation or oral love are good results.

• Take care of your diet – avoid cholesterol, eat a lot of dairy products, poultry and seafood.

• It is important to stay physically active

• You need to see an andrologist and urologist regularly

• Alcohol, cigarettes and coffee are enemies of potency.

Eros at the doctor

Men over XNUMX are much more likely to suffer from ailments that have a negative impact on potency, such as: hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, kidney and liver failure, Parkinson’s disease, prostate, bladder and rectal diseases. An erection can be weakened by anti-ulcer medications, heart medications, antidepressants, sedatives and hypnotics, and even over-the-counter medications. With such troubles, rarely any man goes to the doctor of his own free will. So, ladies, it’s our head to mobilize our partner. A visit to a specialist can save both partners a lot of trouble.


• Go to a specialist (an andrologist, urologist, sexologist or endocrinologist), follow his instructions and perform regular check-ups.

• Men who have problems with potency should make love regularly and preferably in the morning. Then the level of male hormones is the highest and the easiest way to get an erection.

Time of menopause

Typical sexual disorders in menopausal women are: vaginal dryness and resulting painful intercourse (dyspareunia), the absence or loss of sexual desire, and difficulty achieving orgasm. They are caused by hormonal fluctuations, the use of certain pharmacological agents, urological disorders caused by changes in the mucosa, as well as poor mental condition.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Menopause disturbing life can be eliminated with hormone replacement therapy. We can then enjoy sex as long as we want. Earlier, of course, a medical consultation and tests are necessary. So let’s go to a gynecologist who will take care of us during this period.


• Remember that regular intercourse allows you to smoothly go through the difficult months after menopause and enter your old age in a cheerful manner.


After XNUMX, the lubricating glands work slower and slower and the vaginal walls become thinner and less flexible. The body produces less estrogen necessary for proper hydration. This makes intercourse much more difficult.


• Use lubricants, ie humidifiers, available at the pharmacy, eg Feminum gel, K / Y. They resemble natural secretions. They will protect the vagina from abrasion during intercourse.

• We should also use over-the-counter moisturizing creams, eg Montavit gel, Intimel (they are inserted into the vagina with an applicator). These agents increase the hydration of the lining of the vagina.

Violetta Nowacka, Sexologist

Among the moisturizers available on the market you can find, for example, the Überlube silicone lubricant, available in a glass bottle.

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