Sexual intercourse in the third trimester

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Remember that pregnancy is not a disease, and a happy mother is a happy child. However, while the uterus is significantly enlarged and the pregnant belly is visible, sexual intercourse must be modified.

First of all, the positions taken during intercourse must be comfortable and safe for the pregnant woman, so that the partner’s body does not compress the abdomen, and in the supine position, that the inferior vein syndrome is not reached, which is a syndrome associated with bradycardia in fetus and its hypoxia. Thus, the position on the side, from the back, is a comfortable and safe position. Of course, it is about a pregnant woman with a physiological, i.e. normal, pregnancy.

During intercourse, you can improve the hydration and comfort of intercourse by reaching for a moisturizer such as the premium SKYN All Night Long gel based on silicone.

It should be remembered that in the third trimester of pregnancy, diagnoses that exclude the possibility of having intercourse or its significant limitation may be made. For example, a leading bearing. It should be diagnosed much earlier, but with such a diagnosis there is no question of engaging in any sexual activity. This applies to any bleeding from the genital tract, including those trivial as bleeding from the cervical polyp, which occurs especially after intercourse, but cannot be distinguished from other serious bleeding.

Sexual intercourse should also be abandoned in the event of an infection in the vagina, as it can lead to the infection of the partner, who may later be an asymptomatic carrier and during subsequent intercourse will infect the already healed woman. There is a natural increased susceptibility to infections during pregnancy, therefore any such situation requires urgent and meticulous treatment.

Of course, while the amniotic fluid is draining, sexual intercourse is forbidden, although most often it is impossible due to the fact that the woman is hospitalized.

There is insufficient evidence that sexual intercourse itself and prostaglandins contained in semen accelerate labor, but it is not recommended to engage in sexual intercourse if there are any threats to the further duration and development of pregnancy. In the case of cervical insufficiency, when it comes to its shortening and premature opening, sexual intercourse is prohibited. In such situations, the so-called Mc Donald’s suture on the cervix and placed in a position with the legs up. Most often, a woman lies in bed in this way until the child reaches the age of ectopic life, and preferably when the baby is born close to the scheduled date.

To sum up, there are generally no contraindications to sexual intercourse in an uneventful pregnancy and if the woman has no symptoms typically associated with pregnancy, which eliminate her sexual need. In all conditions of pregnancy risk, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse until after the puerperium.

Text: lek. med. Ewa Zarudzka

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