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The phenomenon of the so-called long covid is constantly being analyzed by scientists. The latest British study showed that new ones have joined the long list of long covid symptoms. This is hair loss, erectile dysfunction, and a decline in libido. Scientists, however, are not able to find clear causes of these ailments.

  1. It is still unknown exactly how many people may suffer from long covid. Various studies indicate that it may be from 40 to 80 percent. infected
  2. Even people who have had the infection asymptomatically can experience long-term effects of coronavirus infection
  3. The list includes dozens of potential symptoms, with more appearing from time to time
  4. British scientists believe that hair loss, erectile dysfunction and decreased libido should be added to it
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

What is long covid?

According to the World Health Organization, long covid is symptoms that develop within three months of being infected with SARS-CoV-2 and last at least two months without specific explanation. A WHO document some time ago talked about 33 different symptoms. This list was supplemented from time to time, now more ailments can be added to it.

Research by scientists from the University of Birmingham has been published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine. They looked at the medical records of 2,4 million people from Great Britain.

“We examined the effect of COVID-19 on 115 symptoms, 62 of which were statistically significantly associated with COVID-19 12 weeks or more after infection,” said Anuradhaa Subramanian of the University of Birmingham. “Some of these symptoms, such as decreased libido, sexual dysfunction and hair loss, are really new,” she added.

Earlier, the UK Bureau of Statistics reported that two million Britons were suffering from covid debts. This is more common for women and people aged 35-69.

The most common symptom of long covid is fatigue. It affects 55 percent. people reporting long-term effects of coronavirus infection. Then there are dyspnea (32%), cough (23%) and muscle pain (23%).

Hair loss and deterioration of libico as long-term effects of COVID-19

Researchers at the University of Birmingham believe that hair loss, decreased libido and erection problems can be added to the list of symptoms of long covid, previously not clearly associated with long-term effects of infection.

Scientists, however, are unable to pinpoint how COVID-19 causes hair loss. But it is known that it can also be triggered by other infections, such as the flu, as well as stress.

When your body is under stress it can cause new hair to grow, which paradoxically causes old hair to fall out, says study co-author Dr Shamil Haroon of the University of Birmingham, an epidemiologist. – This is a condition called telogen effluvium.

In turn, problems with erection and deterioration of libido are the result of some chronic diseases (including diabetes), but – as in the case of baldness – it has not yet been thoroughly investigated how deterioration of sexual function may be the result of a viral infection.

Have you been infected with COVID-19? Be sure to check your health. The Healing Blood Test Pack, available on Medonet Market, can help you with this. You can also make them at home.

– People with chronic diseases are often at risk of sexual dysfunction. We find the same with COVID-19, which could suggest that COVID-19 is also a chronic disease, Haroon explains.

Among other symptoms of long covid, which the British research showed, there were also, among others, memory problems, apraxia (a neurological disorder that causes the inability or difficulty to perform known tasks on command), stool incontinence, hallucinations and limb swelling.

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