Sexual activity in men
Many are interested in how to increase sexual activity in men, whether it can be done at home. But first, let’s figure out what it depends on and whether it is always necessary to strive to increase activity.

Sexual activity varies from person to person. It depends on many conditions, both external and internal. There are innate features: the sexual constitution, mental health, which determine the basis of a person’s sexual behavior. But it is also influenced by the opinion of society, religious traditions, and even the idea of ​​the “norm” of sexual behavior, which has been developing over the years.

Peaks of sexual activity in men

Peaks of sexual activity can be short-term: psychological and physical recovery after a victory, playing sports; some exciting action or spectacle. But this is a short period of time. The basic behavior of a man is determined by the level of hormones and age, upbringing and culture

In youth, most men are hypersexual, at about the age of 17-23, the first peak of sexual activity occurs. This is due to rapid puberty, excessive production of the male hormone testosterone, self-knowledge and relationships with women. At this time, sexual opportunities are great, the level of excitability is very high. But this has its drawbacks – quantity has to replace the quality and duration of sexual intercourse.

By the way, women at this age usually do not yet have time to reveal their sexual needs, and mature later.

Gradually, a man accumulates sexual experience, and the hormonal background stabilizes, testosterone levels out to an optimal level. This allows you to better control your sexual behavior, reduces the desire for constant sexual intercourse. From the outside it may seem that this is a decline in activity, but in reality it is just a normalization of sexual behavior, when the quality of connections is no less important than the quantity. This period lasts on average from 23 to 30-35 years.

Recessions in sexual activity in men

As men age, testosterone levels decrease, which affects desire. By the age of 40, most men begin a clear decline in sexual activity. This is due not only to the hormonal background, but also to the increased level of responsibility, the number of tasks and responsibilities. Accumulated fatigue and stress have a bad effect on sexual life.

At this age, the level of excitability is already lower, so the external environment and psychological moments influence the sexual mood much more strongly. A mature man may already need an additional incentive to become interested in sex. A man can talk and think about his sex life just as often, but the attraction will inevitably be lower compared to youth.

After 45-50 years, most men have problems with the health of the heart, blood vessels, and the reproductive system. What affects the stability of the erection and makes it weaker. Approximately half of men over 50 complain of erection problems.

Illnesses often require medication, and some medications interfere with sexual activity.

In addition to age and chronic diseases, excess weight often occurs. Excess fat cells and a sedentary lifestyle reduce testosterone levels and can even stimulate the production of female hormones. Stress also adds to the problem, as it releases cortisol, the stress hormone. It inhibits the synthesis of testosterone.

How to increase sexual activity in men at home

Not all men face problems in their sexual life at a certain age, it is very individual. But if this happens, you can increase the sexual activity of men by changing their lifestyle. Of course, if there are no diseases – in this case, going to the doctor should be the first step.

Avoid excess weight

As mentioned above, obesity affects testosterone levels. Studies show that obese men have half the testosterone levels of lean men.

Aromotase enzyme converts male androgens into female estrogens. Therefore, with obesity, in addition to reduced sexual activity, nervousness and excessive breast growth may appear. At the same time, a decrease in testosterone production leads to even greater accumulation of fat. You can get out of this vicious circle only by losing weight.

Exercise regularly

According to many studies, vigorous exercise causes a rush of blood, improves mood and increases the level of sex hormones. It is only important not to overdo it, otherwise you will only get tired.

A combination of power loads with aerobic exercises helps well – running, swimming, cycling, etc.

Be less nervous

Of course, this advice is difficult to follow – such problems are not so easily solved. But you need to at least start, because stress directly affects the level of attraction. The more stress, the lower the level of sexual activity.

There is no single method for reducing stress, choose what will help you. Trips to nature, chatting with friends, a personal diary, yoga – try it all.

Get enough sleep

Another study has proven a decrease in testosterone levels with constant sleep deprivation. Not to mention the psychological state. For normal recovery of the nervous system, a high-quality, long sleep of at least 7-8 hours is required.

Eat well

Lack of minerals and vitamins can adversely affect the entire body. And for normal sexual activity, you need to eat not only your favorite foods, but complete proteins, greens, vegetables and fruits, seafood. There are also products – aphrodisiacs, which help to increase attraction in a natural way – improving blood circulation.

Take vitamins

If it is impossible to establish nutrition, its irregularity and scarcity, vitamin complexes can be the way out. For men, vitamins A, E and D, as well as zinc and selenium, are especially important.

Popular questions and answers

It is difficult to talk about everyone at once, because any departure from the “average norm” is just as normal. There are men who by nature are not very interested in sex, and some are very active in old age. These are all natural variations, and not always low sexual activity means something bad. Will tell you more about it urologist Sergey Trubin.

Does a decline in sexual activity for no apparent reason indicate an illness?

Throughout life, from the process of turning a young man into a man and up to the moment of aging, the body experiences various influences of the environment and society. Sexual activity includes libido, that is, the desire to live a sexual life, to perform sexual acts; and mental health. Libido directly depends on the level of sex hormones, the availability of sexual partners, the health of the genitals and sex glands. Social factors such as physical and psycho-emotional overload at work, chronic stress, reduced personal contacts can reduce sexual activity.

The decline in sexual activity occurs in diseases of the prostate gland, nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, mental disorders, erectile dysfunction. These diseases usually develop with age, which is one of the reasons for the decline in the activity of older men.

Is it possible to directly affect sexual activity, except for drugs?

Sexual activity can be directly influenced not only by drugs, but also by planning the regime of work and rest. If a person has a rest, goes in for sports, communicates with potential sexual partners, keeps a sleep schedule, visits doctors and monitors his health, then his sexual activity will be higher than that of people who do not follow these rules.

What determines the peaks of sexual activity in men?

Peaks of sexual activity in men are directly related to sexual stimuli. Sexual irritants are potential or permanent sexual partners who are nearby. This stimulates the release of hormones and complex biochemical processes in the brain, which determines the rise in sexual activity. Entering into a relationship, the level of sex hormones rises and is at a high level. In some cases, winning at work or in sports can also increase sexual activity. It also depends on age.

Natural biological rhythms associated with the seasons directly affect sexual activity. In the autumn-winter period, a decline is determined, and in the spring-summer period, an increase in sexual activity.

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