Sexology – what is the job of a sexologist? When to visit?

Sexuality is still a taboo subject these days. Many people underestimate the problems associated with it. It may be due to shame or the belief that the problem will resolve itself. Remember that sex is an important factor in affecting your relationship or your self-esteem. Therefore, problems related to sexuality should not be underestimated. In this type of problem, the field of science called sexology comes to the rescue.

What is Sexology?

Sexology is an interdisciplinary fieldwhich combines knowledge from many levels of science. It is based on scientific cooperation, using knowledge in the field of medicine, biology, psychology, sociology, ethics, pedagogy and even law and theology. Sexology is divided into three areas: clinical sexologywho studies sexuality-related disorders; forensic sexology, dealing with sexual activities that violate legal provisions and the Penal Code; social sexology, exploring the cultural aspect of sexuality.

Who is a sexologist?

Different fields of sexology, depending on the completed specialization, it deals with sexologist. He is a specialist helping people who have problems related to sexuality. A condition for becoming sexologist is the completion of a specialized course or complementary studies. Then, such a person must obtain a license to practice the profession, which is issued by the Polish Sexological Society. Sexologist the most common is a psychologist or doctors with gynecological, urological or psychiatric specialization. Specialization has a significant impact on competences sexologist. A gynecologist or urologist may prescribe prescription medications and examine the patient due to the medical profession. The psychologist cannot undertake such actions. However, his competences allow him to conduct psychological therapy.

When should you visit a sexologist?

Advice in the field sexuologii both women and men need. Unfortunately, men still report their problems less frequently to sexologist. Most often it results from social pressure or complexes. Very often, therapy is indicated for both partners, because of the main problems in the field sexuologii there are difficulties in partner communication. A visit to a sexologist it is recommended when problems in this area persist for several weeks.

Unfortunately, many patients ignore such problems and report them years later. Troubles should be fought as early as possible, as they may affect other spheres of life. It is imperative to realize that sexologist is a doctor like any other and expertly approaches every problem, even the most embarrassing. People with symptoms of erectile dysfunction, too strong sexual drive, problems with ejaculation, vaginismus, pain during intercourse, difficulties in achieving orgasm, and various psychological problems related to having sex should especially decide to visit a sexologist.

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