
A sex therapist who deals with problems in the field of sexual life of patients is still in many countries considered a doctor whose activities are not discussed in society. This stereotypical thinking has ruined more than one relationship, becoming the reason for a break or even a divorce.

Sexology is a science that addresses the issues of natural and unnatural manifestations of human sexuality. She also studies concomitant diseases, methods of getting rid of ailments and disorders, as well as effective prevention of relapses.

Who is a sex therapist?

A doctor who has devoted his professional activity to sexology is obliged to understand not only the medical, in particular the physiological, part of the issue. He must also be an expert in many other areas of activity that are closely related to psychology, sociology and in some cases even forensic science.

Experts say that the most significant results come from the reception, to which the patient came with a firm understanding that he needs help. If a couple experiences problems, then it is better to see a specialist together at least for the first time. This will allow you to more accurately define the problem. For such patients, a family doctor works separately, aimed at preserving the marriage of spouses starting to move away from each other.

For the convenience of diagnosing diseases, sexology has been schematically divided into two equivalent camps: normal and clinical. The first option covers cases where patients just need advice. This means that no significant deviations were found in them, and the consultation can become a tool for getting rid of embarrassment or other reasons that prompted them to go to the hospital.

The clinical direction works more deeply. It is aimed not only at eliminating sexual deviations, but also at preventing them. Such a doctor can sometimes even work with teenagers at the urgent request of their parents. Such cases are considered individually, depending on the current symptomatology.

In addition to these two broad categories, there are several more that have an even narrower focus. Just here they rank as an ethnocultural group. Not all ordinary people understand what such a doctor does and why his help is needed at all in such a specific context. But it is often very difficult for international couples to find a common language on the marriage bed. Especially often this happens between people with opposite mentality or different religious views.

To help men and women with different upbringings and cultural values, the specialist delves into all the subtleties of a certain nationality and helps to establish contact between lovers.

The master in forensic sexology deserves special attention. In some countries, people are specially trained in such a narrow area, so that later they can help the police in investigating sexual crimes. Especially often such unusual help becomes useful in the study of the personalities and motives of sexual maniacs. The results sometimes even form the basis for profiling a possible suspect in brutal rapes or murders.

But in most cases, a sexologist, who is also called a sex therapist, deals with more trivial problems like ailments in terms of sexual health or the psychological aspect of sexual life. Also, people who have various sexual pathologies seek to enroll in it. Officially, deviations in this part include many disorders, the most common of which are commonly called:

  • same-sex sexual contacts;
  • obsession with sex;
  • sexual attraction to children or animals.

In some cases, a husband and wife can get a referral to this doctor if they want to have offspring. Some leading researchers on a given topic generally recommend that all couples, when planning children, attend a preliminary consultation with a sexologist.

A urologist can also refer to him if the patient suffers from fairly rare diseases of the genitourinary system. Sometimes even a psychologist strongly recommends seeking help from such a narrow expert if the victim has become a victim of a sexual psychological disorder.

When is help needed?

It is difficult to designate a universal symptomatology for absolutely all potential patients of a sex therapist. Due to the fact that the range of its activities extends to both physiological abnormalities and psychological problems, the signs of diseases can manifest themselves in different ways. In especially neglected cases, they can even be latent, manifesting themselves from time to time.

According to the biological part, most often the symptoms indicating any problems in women are usually called:

  • difficulties due to obstructions in the genital tract;
  • spasms in the vagina;
  • pain during the act;
  • lack of satisfaction.

In all these cases, sex turns into almost a duty, or even completely banned, so as not to injure the body once again or experience another stress. In the first case, the difficulty of sexual life is explained by problems with physiology. Ladies simply have congenital malformations of the genitals.

Outwardly, these deviations do not manifest themselves: they do not bring discomfort in daily activities, and also do not pose any threat to the body. But during sexual intercourse, pathology makes itself felt, sometimes completely blocking the opportunity to experience the pleasures of an intimate life.

No less often, the fairer sex is tormented by spasms in the area of ​​​​the entrance to the vagina. When trying to start direct sexual intercourse, the girl begins to experience sharp pain due to the contraction of muscle fibers in the vagina.

A good doctor will not exclude the fact that the reason for such resistance of the body is the psychological aspect. In most cases, the root cause for a non-standard response of the body is the lack of sexual life in the past, which provokes an unconscious defensive reaction.

But the lack of pleasure from intimate life is characteristic of both those young ladies who have previously had sexual contacts, and those who have had sex for the first time. There may be several reasons for such a scenario, but doctors call only three the most common:

  • underdevelopment of the reproductive apparatus;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • abortions in the past.

Fixed in medical practice and just cases of sharp pain when a partner penetrates the vagina. This is usually associated with inflammatory processes in the genitals or even the cervix.

The unspoken rating of reasons for applying among men looks a little different. Here the TOP-3 are occupied by:

  • lack of sexual desire;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • ejaculation problems.

Despite the stereotype that increased libido is a good sign, in medical practice, such excessive sexual desire becomes a reason to see a doctor. Experts believe that it is as dangerous as frigidity or premature ejaculation.

No less dangerous disease is erectile dysfunction. Moreover, the underlying reason for it can be different: starting from biological failures or stressful situations, and ending with the syndrome of feeling sexual failure.

Some who wish to consult with an experienced sexologist are often embarrassed to do so, believing that an entry in the medical card about going to such a delicate doctor will not paint them. There are private offices for embarrassed citizens. Such a clinic will provide not only anonymity, but will also please you with competent treatment based on the latest methods and medicines, if necessary.

The most important thing in this matter is not to delay. So, a girl who did not want to seek help in time with a clear psychological unpreparedness for the first sexual intercourse, in the future may face the consequences of her frivolity. It is much more difficult to treat frigidity or other psychological disorders on an emotional basis at an advanced stage.

If the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is still not mentally prepared for the beginning of a sexual life, and the biological age is already “running out”, then it’s time to seek help.

Patients who have problems with hormonal imbalance look no less sad. The problem here is that they often do not themselves understand that all their difficulties are rooted in a lack or excess of certain hormones. But they are quite simple to adjust “in manual mode” when taking concomitant medications. This truth is confirmed by numerous reviews of patients who have successfully undergone hormonal therapy.

It will also be useful to go for advice to teenagers from 14-17 years old. This scenario will appeal to advanced moms and dads who want their child to receive a full-fledged sex education. In the future, such openness in matters of intimate life can guarantee the absence of many of the difficulties that more squeezed peers will face.

How is the reception?

Usually the first visit to a sexologist, although accompanied by some awkwardness, ends on a friendly note. From the very beginning, the doctor conducts a conversation in order to carefully listen to the visitor, and even the couple together. In some cases, it is enough to use the methods of psychotherapy in order to save the patient from the painful manifestation of the disease in a few sessions.

To do this, experts resort to:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • body-oriented therapy;
  • behavioral therapy;
  • cognitive therapy.

The first point implies the search for the primary source of sexual violation and the development of further actions that stand in the way of correction. Some clinics even arrange promotions for their clients, allowing the first appointment to visit for free. During such “open days” doctors are just guided by the basics of psychoanalysis.

Further, the clinic, or rather, the sexologist himself is guided by the primary results obtained. Sometimes, to solve a problem, it is enough to work out certain skills in specific situations. And it also happens that cognitive therapy is indispensable. It is based on correcting deviations through scientific thinking and refocusing of the imagination. Occasionally, even mixed therapies are prescribed in order to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible way with minimal losses.

But if group or individual therapy does not work, or the problem covers the physiological spectrum, then the doctor prescribes an examination of the genitourinary system.

To make an accurate diagnosis, not only laboratory results of the study are used, but also an instrumental technique. The first category includes blood and urine tests, and these can be either just general tests or biochemistry. In addition, bacterial culture is done, a blood test is performed using the PCR method. Men are offered to take fluid from the prostate, and women – scrapings from the vagina.

To implement the instrumental range of procedures, various equipment is attached. Ultrasound of the genital organs is considered one of the most effective and at the same time safe methods.

If necessary, make a spermogram, conduct a gynecological examination or examination of the vessels of the penis. An almost obligatory item for obtaining a detailed clinical picture is the passage of testing for hormonal levels.

The results obtained qualitatively influence the program of further treatment, its features and duration. Sometimes it covers only psychotherapeutic assistance, and sometimes it does not do without drug treatment. It will be needed when detecting pathologies of an organic nature, such as inflammation of different localization.

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