Sexiest men

Someone has asked these ideals of beauty. It is customary for us girls to think that it is 90-60-90. And they, boys, have broad shoulders, a perfectly built face, an even abs, a Hollywood smile, and do not forget about captivating eyes. But our top 9 sex symbols proves that standards can be non-standard.

The 29-year-old Russian hockey player has always evoked violent, albeit different, emotions in the female sex. Some say that Ovechkin’s appearance from the series “a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey”, while others are crazy about the athlete and certainly consider him the sexiest man in the country.

The Russian hero has many victories on his account, and in 2009 Alexander took second place in the list of the richest stars in the country with an income of $ 12 million.

Thanks to this handsome man, the girls went on a real feat – almost every second managed to learn and effectively pronounce his incredibly difficult surname – Cumberbatch. And you can often hear this name from a woman’s lips: Benedict has long been assigned the title of a British sex symbol.

This lanky brunette managed to shake the position of Hugh Laurie himself – women’s hearts gravitate more towards the non-standard beauty of Holmes than to the cynical doctor. By the way, it was the role of Sherlock that elevated Cumberbatch to the fifth line in the ranking of the sexiest men in the world, and according to Empire magazine, he took the first position.

Meanwhile, Benedict himself is still amazed how he, a guy with a “horse face”, could be included in the number of sex symbols. Indeed, take a closer look: pale skin, sharp cheekbones that suggest ancient tombs and skeletons, an expressionless mouth and small eyes … But it touches! That’s what inner charm means – Cumberbatch, we love you anyway!

Who doesn’t know the Terminator? Everyone knows the Terminator. Arnold began his career at the age of 15, dreaming of becoming a famous bodybuilder, and since 1969 he began acting in films. His muscular body and sharp facial features immediately won the hearts of millions of women and even men who dreamed of becoming like an actor. But, unfortunately, when it came time to grow old, Schwarzenegger began to do facelifts, blepharoplasty, and even breast genioplasty.

But in our memory navseda remained his sexual, courageous roles and the brutal appearance of the athlete.

The Spanish actor often plays the role of sexual seducers who drive women crazy with one glance. So in life, from one type of actor, fans lose consciousness, and in everyone’s dreams – at least touch the beloved hero. In 2010, Javier got the famous beauty Penelope Cruz as his wife, and now the couple already have two children.

It would seem that such outstanding facial features as big ears and nose, wide eyebrows … And there are not even courageous cheekbones in the style of Brad Pitt and David Beckham … But the actor has been a sex symbol almost since the beginning of the 90s.

World champion and Olympic participant, hockey player Yevgeny Malkin is another Russian hero that the whole country is proud of. Tall, with slightly protruding ears, a large nose and a pronounced chin – many women consider him a sex symbol and watch hockey with special interest, without even delving into the essence of the game.

The famous actor, winner of the best awards, and also a citizen of Russia Gerard Depardieu played roles in more than 170 films! An elongated face, a large nose, wide eyebrows and one cannot say that the body of an athlete, but Gerard has always been in a special place among women all over the world.

The actor has four officially recognized children, although, according to Gerard himself, he has about 20 children from 10 different women, he just bought off some of them.

Many interesting roles, but after the legendary film Danny got a stamp forever – Machete. Most of Trejo’s roles are criminals and villains. According to the actor himself, he chooses such roles to prove to the audience that good triumphs over evil and the latter usually quickly end up in prison.

Few people know that in his youth Danny used drugs, for which he was imprisoned for 11 years. After Trejo was released, he began helping everyone in need to get off drugs. So he got his first role. Face with deep wrinkles, typical Mexican eyes and mustache. Danny Trejo is the dream of millions of women.

Arthur Pirozhkov – the whole country knows the sexual role of a comedian. Alexander Revva became known to fans of KVN already in 1995, but the role of a resident of the Comedy Club brought him special fame. Revva won over more than one heart with his charm and charisma.

And recently it became known that Revva took part in the play “Sex Guru”, where he talks about how and where to have sex. Broad smile. which is often compared to the Joker’s smile, big nose, long hair. Alexander has long taken the position of one of the sexiest heroes of the popular channel.

The French actor with scars on his face, a broken nose and timeless wrinkles has always inspired women. After the accident at the age of 18, Daniel was afraid to look at himself in the mirror: the man was overwhelmed with hatred, then he failed the exam at the theater university, but, pulling himself together in time, began to get roles. Having played in more than 50 films, the self-taught actor has proved that the main thing in a career is desire and zeal for victory.

Rumors of romance on venues, with fans and just beautiful women have always been about Daniel, and the sex symbol’s wives are wonderful: the first wife is actress Emmanuelle Bear and the second is the artist Corsica Aud Ambrogi.

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