Sex with a hangover: pros and cons

The next morning, after heavy drinking, people want different things: sour milk, brine, strong broth, love and care. With the light hand of Brazilian doctors, who examined more than 200 married couples at the beginning of the XNUMXst century, a theory was born that morning sex with a hangover significantly improves well-being. In order to understand who is suitable for this method of rehabilitation, and to whom it is contraindicated, we will consider how a hangover and sexual desire are connected.

Features of a hangover in men

Once in the body, alcohol triggers many complex biochemical processes, in particular:

  • the drinker experiences euphoria due to the fact that there is a sharp release into the blood of hormones of joy – endorphins. In the morning, the supply of endorphins is exhausted, and the man is tormented by headache and nausea. Hormones of joy – natural opiates that can muffle pain and improve well-being. The easiest way to stimulate the production of endorphins is through tasty food or sex;
  • the liver, which normally processes excess male sex hormone testosterone, after evening excesses is busy all night neutralizing the toxic breakdown products of ethanol. As a result, a man wakes up in the morning feeling unwell, but with an increased level of testosterone, which provokes sexual arousal. Alcohol dulls mental activity, in return, the action of instincts is enhanced;
  • in order to speed up metabolism and remove toxins faster, the body needs increased doses of oxygen. You can get them through any physical activity. Sex helps with a hangover in the same way that exercising, jogging or exercising in the gym.

The romantics invented a version that the body of a man experiencing a hangover is supposedly preparing for death and is finally trying to reproduce. The theory does not stand up to criticism: for some reason, in terminally ill patients or simply poisoned by stale food, no particular activation of the reproductive instinct is observed.

The reasons for the heightened desire for sex with a hangover are often psychological in nature. A man who really wants most of all to take a Citramon pill and fall asleep is trying to prove to himself and his girlfriend that he is a real “macho”. A certain role is played by the stories of friends about exploits in such situations.

Whether a woman wants to deal with such a hero depends on the severity of the hangover. If a man is only slightly dizzy, then he is able to give pleasure to a lady. However, a pale sufferer, exhaling the smell of fumes, with bags under his eyes, nausea and heartburn, arouses in a woman not a sexual desire, but at best a maternal instinct.

Sex out of pity or coercion becomes the beginning of a serious discord in the relationship. In addition, with a hangover, the genitals do not always clearly perceive brain signals, which is why, despite the desire for intimacy, an erection may not occur.

There are two serious threats that lovers of sex with a hangover should definitely think about:

  • with a hangover, blood pressure already increases, sex provokes its further increase. Even for a healthy person, this is a serious burden, while hypertensive patients are at serious risk of a stroke or heart attack;
  • toxic decomposition products of ethanol negatively affect the condition of spermatozoa. Barrier contraceptives must be used to avoid drunken conception.

Features of a female hangover

Hangover women rarely want sex. Firstly, they have little testosterone in their bodies, and secondly, both reason and instincts suggest that it is better not to reproduce in this state. True, during intercourse in women, just like in men, endorphins are produced and relief comes. But the threat of a stroke due to intimacy during a hangover for a lady is no less.

When drunk, the mucus in the fallopian tubes becomes too thick. If fertilization occurs in this state, there is a high probability that the egg will become bogged down in secret and attach to the wall of the tube. To prevent an ectopic pregnancy, a woman should take care of contraceptives.


Doctors believe that sex with a hangover is acceptable for those who:

  • younger than 35 years, since at a more mature age the body recovers more slowly;
  • does not suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, liver and kidneys;
  • the day before, he drank no more than 1 liter of wine or 300 ml of high-quality strong alcohol;
  • does not experience too much inconvenience associated with a hangover.

According to Brazilian scientists, relief from hangover symptoms occurs about 2 hours after 10 minutes of sex. Sour-milk products, cabbage pickle or a contrast shower give approximately the same effect, so it is not necessary to put marital relations and your health to the test.

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