Sex: the health benefits of great sex
It hasn’t escaped your notice that having sex is known to be good for you. Whether for its effects on morale, or for its virtues on health and keeping the body in shape, sex is good for us. What are the health benefits of great sex?
A fulfilling sexuality contributes to our well-being
It is undeniable that sex is good for morale and mental well-being. Pleasure, and in particular orgasm, have several effects that can contribute to our good mental health: antidepressant, tranquilizer, etc. This is mainly due to the action of the different hormones produced during intercourse. Likewise, physical contact and the desire expressed during love contribute to a feeling of general well-being. A fulfilling sexuality also improves self-confidence and the image that we have of ourselves. Having sex is reassuring and allows us to be aware of the desire that we arouse. Finally, by giving pleasure to our partner, we also contribute to our own: the fact of being able to make someone happy also puts us in good mental condition.
Sex helps maintain good health
In addition to the benefits on the psychic, sex also has virtues on our health. Indeed, regular sexual activity makes it possible to practice physical activity and to keep in shape. Sex can also be recommended if you want to lose weight or monitor your calorie balance. 10 minutes of sex can burn up to 50 calories, and this combining the useful with the pleasant. As when we play sports, sex, and all the more so if it is practiced at a pace that suits us, also has a liberating power. It is a great way to let off steam and helps flush out toxins. Finally, the endorphins released during the act also make it possible to provide a feeling of physical relaxation conducive to relaxation.
Making love helps fight migraine and stress
Sex, and more particularly orgasm, also has virtues on migraine. This is due to the action of hormones released during pleasure and orgasm, including endorphins. These provide a feeling of well-being and help reduce pain. Sex is therefore a perfect remedy to combat headaches. Likewise, having sex also helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This is serotonin, a hormone secreted when making love, which provides a feeling of general calm and thus helps to reduce anxiety, anxiety or even states of stress.
Sex helps reduce the risk of cancer
Several studies show that having frequent sexual intercourse reduces the risk of certain cancers. In particular, it has been shown that there are links between regular physical activity and the reduction of prostate cancer. It is frequent ejaculation that would reduce the risk of cancer at this level. Likewise, sex is also good for the functioning of the heart. Indeed, making love helps maintain good blood pressure and stimulate the cardiovascular system. When having sex, the heart rate increases, which stimulates the circulation of blood.
Making love improves sleep and memory
Finally, sex is also known to be beneficial to sleep and to improve memory capacities. Indeed, during sexual intercourse, our production of oxytocin and melatonin increases. These two hormones help to have peaceful and restful sleep. The feeling of relaxation that appears a few moments after orgasm is good for our morale. Besides this feeling of relaxation, it also brings a feeling of accomplishment and vigor, which are beneficial to us. Likewise, several studies have shown that sex stimulates the production of neurons, which has the effect of improving memory capacities, and this at all ages. Thus, making love helps to prevent cognitive deterioration or degeneration and to maintain optimal neurological capacities for longer.