Sex over forty

We are 43 years old, 24 years of marriage. For 2 years, my wife has been telling me that I cheat on her because I don’t have sex with her as many times as she would like.

I say that I don’t have the same needs as I used to. She said that she could almost always !!! I feel disgusted with her talk. Now it is getting worse and worse with us, we talk less. What am I supposed to do to make her understand me? ~ Janusz

First, you should consider why the problem has only appeared for 2 years, since you have been in a relationship for 24 years. Secondly, if such a problem arose and is difficult to solve, it undoubtedly indicates communication problems in this relationship. Conversation is the basis of any therapy and any procedure. Without it, there are no proper relationships and ties. It is difficult to convince your spouse of your faithfulness if she sees no interest on your part. Sex is not the most important thing, but it is undoubtedly very important, but there are many other ways to prove to a woman how important and attractive she is to you. As for the frequency of intercourse, it is a problem to be solved, but not by force, resentment and grumbling, but by reasonable arrangements that are acceptable to both parties. If independent efforts are not successful, you should seek advice from a psychologist.

Also read: Decrease in sex drive

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