
Douglas Kenrick expounds on evolutionary psychology. Which, in particular, help to clarify for themselves the patterns of development of relations between a man and a woman, parents and children, and even between states.

Evolutionary theory comes from many different angles. Religious children are suing educators who commemorate Charles Darwin, and politically correct zealots suspect evolutionists of trying to scientifically substantiate differences between sexes and races. In general, if you prefer to see yourself created from clay or other building materials, then you better not read the new book by psychologist Douglas Kenrick. But everyone else will certainly be interested in evolutionary psychology, the provisions of which Kenrick expounds. The plots, in fact, are included in the title, but the matter is not limited to them. The evolutionary psychology approach allows for a clearer understanding of the relationship between men and women, parents and children, and even between nations. After all, the ideas and prejudices we inherited from distant ancestors continue to work both on a personal and global level. And the best way to overcome them is to understand their origin.

PETER, 224 p.

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