Sex is loud!

Are you embarrassed to express your emotions out loud during sex? But in vain. Emotional discharge only enhances pleasure.

Even in a stormy outburst of passion, not each of us expresses his feelings in a full voice. However, it is the emotional emancipation at this moment that brings partners the most pleasure. Women show it more often than men – this is due to the brightness of their sensations during orgasm (there are many nerve endings in the clitoris), and with the desire to please their partner. Most women admit that they often scream during sex on purpose, hoping that this will help their partner achieve orgasm. And they are right: women’s moans and screams in bed really inspire a man, confirming that he is acting correctly *. Indeed, in sex, it is important for us not only our own pleasure – we want to know whether it is good for another at this moment. And his cry helps to make sure of this.

* Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2013, vol. 42.

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