Sex is better than masturbation

Sexual intercourse with a partner brings more pleasure than masturbation: now this is a scientifically confirmed fact.


It is known that after an orgasm, the body of men and women produces the hormone prolactin, which creates a feeling of satisfaction and peace. Researchers Stuart Brody from the University of Paisley (UK) and Tillman Krueger from ETH (Switzerland) measured the level of prolactin in the blood of volunteers who masturbated or had sex as part of the experiment. After sexual contact with a partner of the opposite sex, both in men and women, the level of prolactin in the blood was 400% (!) Higher than after lonely caresses. “Although masturbation relieves sexual tension and is pleasurable,” says Stuart Brodie, “but it does not bring the same calmness and satisfaction as sex with a partner.”

Biological Psychology, февраль 2006.

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