Although for many people it is a taboo subject, the erectile dysfunction It is something so common that some studies carried out in different countries determine that it affects more than 50% of the male population over 40 years of age. In Spain, the data indicate that erectile dysfunction has a prevalence of 25% among men over 40 years of age. In general terms affects one in five men.
Although many men are reluctant to talk about this topic, it is important to give it naturalness and, above all, consult with the doctor since it is sometimes a symptom of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, or a low testosterone. In addition, erectile dysfunction is a common complication after prostate cancer treatments since the nerves responsible for erection are very close to this organ and can be affected, temporarily or permanently, during treatment.
But what is considered erectile dysfunction? It is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient to carry out a satisfactory sexual intercourse for a minimum period of three months. There are different degrees of this alteration and to determine them there are questionnaires in which they ask about confidence, firmness or satisfaction to determine if it is mild, moderate or severe.
In this situation, the main thing is to rule out any type of cardiovascular or metabolic disease of which the dysfunction may be a symptom but also there are psychological causes: anxiety or depression as well as problems with the partner can affect the sexual act. Work or family problems, fatigue, loss of appetite or insomnia can also unbalance sexual reflexes causing erectile dysfunction.
Depending on the reasons for the dysfunction, so will the treatment. To begin with, it is advisable to acquire healthy lifestyle habits with a good nutrition and hydration and a balanced diet within the framework of an active life. Quitting tobacco and alcohol is also highly recommended. It is also recommended psychological help as it will promote recovery and work the lack of self-esteem that many men suffer from this cause.
In addition to treating underlying illnesses and psychological consequences, there are different treatments based on increasing blood flow provided there is sexual stimulation so they are administered by pills before sex. These medications must always be prescribed by a doctor.
Beyond intercourse
When thinking about sex, it is usual to focus on intercourse or penetration (vaginal thrust), giving the erect penis all the prominence and responsibility for sexual pleasure. However, sex goes much further since the main organ of pleasure is the brain. Focusing on the pleasure and enjoyment of sexual intercourse will allow complete sexual intercourse without the need for an erection and in the case of erectile dysfunction for psychological reasons, it will even facilitate an erection.
¿Qué se puede hacer?
- Dedicating time to intimacy beyond the genitals also favors the improvement of erectile dysfunction problems.
- You can perform massages that favor sufficient stimulation
- It is important to participate in foreplay by taking the necessary time
- Another option is to watch erotic movies together